Thursday, January 29, 2009

Open Letter To Michael Moore

Dear Michael Moore:
I respect you work, and I am a huge fan of yours. How ever I wonder about you politically.You asked America years ago to support Nader. And they did to some degree.Your Documentaries, and exposures where on the money. Good work.Michael, here is my advise. Perpetuate joining, or start a real Democratic Socialist Party here in the USA.
I have no idea why you taught Gore or Nader as Socialists. They are not. Obama was your choice in 2008. Many feel in eight years he will not deliver the goods. I believe, like the Democrats of old, he will bring in programs on a stretcher. Elites, only represents the elites.
Michael, you had the power and the strength in your media power to start a Socialist Party or revive and old one. You seem to be looking for Socialism in all the wrong places.
When I was eleven, after meeting the Democrats I had an inkling that they where a party of phonies. At least the Republicans are honest about being elitists.
The Democrats haven’t spoke about socialist issues and seem no different than the Republicans.
Hilary said minimum wage should be $9.00 and hour. Socialists believe in a maximum wage.Obama said we have been talking about Health Care for twenty years. We socialists have been speaking about it for ever.
How about the Universal Income? You speak about it in your book, even Nixon was a proponent. Yet, no one has spoken of a guaranteed income since it was defeated in the Senate in 1972.
So Mike, are we going to wake up and smell the coffee? Can we start a real Socialist Party now? Maybe we can Nader to join. He could stop called the Socialist Party USA Norman Thomas’s Party.
With that Mike keep up the good work. Maybe we will even fight oppressive ballot access laws in America. How about a film about Socialism and Democracy in Europe?
Conservatives hate Europeanisms. That is because in Europe the solve problems and Socialist Politics is for the people. Democracy!
Socialists may have had their failures, but at least their successes have been grand. Unlike the so called Socialists (Democrats) in America. They are not and never will be, and liberals are as elitist as conservatives. Thanks, and keep up the good work.

American Political Dumbness

It really is our fault. Common. Snap out of it! Generation after generation we see nothing really changes politically. It is the same ole same ole. Democrats, Republicans, Republicrats.We are truly political idiots. We have no knowledge of politics outside of the corporate news media.My favorite phrase is ‘When are they going to learn?” They already have and that is why they do what they do.Looking at the results
We in America are a politically closed minded people. We have the power of change and yet we will not do it. We believe political myths.
1.People of alternative parties cannot win.2.Alternative Parties steal votes.3.Why throw away my vote when the Candidate cannot win.4.The Democrats are America’s far left party.
The fact is we can win. In the Early days the socialist Party was America’s third party. We actually had 13 locals in places like Oklahoma. Our Mayors had record accomplishments and ran the Cities well.
In Europe there are ten parties on the ballot. Each with a similar or degree of difference. Liberal, Conservative, Green, and Socialist. No one believes in the myth of vote stealing.People have free will and vote their conscious. It would be impossible for Nader to steal votes. People who voted for Nader, did so because they wanted to and thought he was a better choice than Gore.
Eugene V Debs said, “ Why vote for someone who will win and not deliver, than vote for someone who will lose, yet fulfill your desires.” Vote isn’t always a vote for a winner, but for some one who will best represent you and the form of Government you want.
The Democrats are a Right Centrist Party. They stopped being a Leftist Part after Bobby Kennedy.
American culture and society is a massive failure. We are an Anti social society based in selfishness and arrogance. In the last election the big winners in the Alternative Party movement where the Libertarians, and National Constitution. One reflecting the Selfish values of Ian Rand, The other a Theocracy. This shows most Americans do not care about Democracy.The Libertarians have a good rap, they are good on personal liberties. But they are a economic and social disaster. The National Constitution Party wants the dark ages to comeback.Why do people seek socialism world wide? Because it is the only form of Politics that addresses the needs of the people. Socialism isn’t Communism. Many are Democratic Social Democrats. We need a excellent, growing Socialist Party in America. Find one and join one. find the substance and courage to make real change.

The Future of Work

The future of work can be bright. Work is good. Our job futures look very bleak. The Republicrats offer band aid programs and will not tell us the truth about work and our way of life.The Democrats keep bringing up the American Dream as if it where obtainable by all.It isn’t. Pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps is the Horatio Alger myth. That we can have a business, a big house, two cars in every garage.In America we can do anything, be anything, and become anything. Not true. Our Dreams are shallow and materialistic. Most of all, destructive.There is a certain madness to the American Dream. I hear it all the time. I work at work, than I work at home. Owning a big house and having to take care of a big yard eats up all my time.I travel to work two hours, work nine hours a day, than two hours back. Than I have house hold chores. It is all pressure, part of the Rat Race.Don’t think what you own belongs to you. If you are foreclosed, you loose your treasured possessions, family photos, videos, music, your pets wind up in a animal shelter, your friends. Your home can be taken in tax liens. In New Jersey taxes can be up to $9,000 on a house.Yet , everyone preaches the American Dream as if they we live in an Amway world.At the DNC National Convention, the Dems sounded like and Amway demonstration.Hilary Clinton thought $9.00 and hour would be a great minimum wage.It takes about $20 an hour to live in NJ.Most people loosing their jobs will make substandard wages. I know a women who worked at a company for years, as she made $54,000. She didn’t have a college degree. With or with out a college degree, she will never see that money again.Most chain stores will only hire part time. Grocery centers hire part time so their employees will not Unionize.The Factories are gone for good. Factories sucked to work at anyway. The homes of Slave Labor.Work doesn’t have to be a bad thing. We all work. Much work can be enjoyable if it were not for bosses and hours.Most people say the fell a sleep at work and many think they work too many hours. Many travel too far. People in general say they are unsatisfied with their jobs. There are books, “Unjobbing” By Michael Fogler, “Freedom From Work”, “The End of Work.” By Jeremy Rifkin.In Ralph Bellamy’s book, “Looking Backward.” Tells about a new society. People make their own work.In production I see awesome robots building things humans did. A bread Company through automation once made 1,000,000 loaves of bread a week, with 25,000 employees. Now it makes 1,000,000 loaves a day with 500 employees, and through future automation, 2,000,000 loaves with 5 employees. * Not an actual, but close projection. People in the future can have work they can value. The Futurists lists the top ten jobs of the future.
OUT •Stockbrokers, Auto Dealers, Mail Carriers, Insurance & Real Estate Agents •Teachers •Printers •Stenographers •CEO’s •Orthodontists •Prison Guards •Truckers •Housekeepers •Fathers *********IN •Issue Engineers •Gene Programmers •Pharmers •Organic Monitors •Data Miners •Hot-Line Handymen •Virtual Reality Actors •Narrowcasters •Turing Testers •Knowledge Engineers
OUT - Repetitive, inventory tracking, middlemen. •Insurance Sales •Investment bankers, brokers •Travel agents •Car dealers •Video store clerks •Printers •Newspaper production and delivery (but not news production and delivery) ********IN - Creative work requiring lots of common sense and working with people. •Entertainment - Writers, performers, actors •Software •Science and Technology •Services - Chauffeurs, maids, personal trainers & assistants, police, lawyers, teachers, tutors, tour guides, hotel personnel, yard workers, etc. •Skilled & Craft - Construction, repair, sanitation, highway crews, park service, teachers. •Information services - Infrastructure construction & repair, fiber, cable, satellites, etc. •Medical, Healthcare & Biotechnology - Low to high skilled
All meaningful jobs. And the internet lets be our own Record Company, Movie Makers,Artists, business people. Check out can have a 32 hour work week, living wage, six weeks paid vacation. And we can have more. The Future really can be now. Life and work doesn’t have to suck. So, not everyone has to work at Wal-Mart, Target, the local Burger Joint at crap wages.The future can be bright for all and we should be able to have the career we want with out the dictates of government and family. And above all Corporations.

Work 101

One thing I cannot gather is the Work Ethic. People who worship work. I believe the reason people worship work is because they have empty lives with no talent or creativity. That is not saying work is bad. Work is a good thing.
As the saying goes, with out work, the art suffers. That means if we commit ourselves to working on our endeavors, we can do excellent things. The work ethic should be excellence of execution. It should be doing what we aspire.
We live in a world that demands work enforcement. Everyone wants everyone else to work at the chain stores, The fast food joints, and retail operations, and the mindless mind numbing jobs because each of us subscribes to a poisonous work ethic. Capitalism isn’t about fulfilling our aspirations, it is about controlling people. It is about service.
But what about all those people who’s dreams have come true? What about all those people who have become successful entrepreneurs? What about the rewards of Capitalism? The rewards are actually few and far between.
OK, sometimes the system works. But the rate of success and attainment is still only 10%. Why? Because we are forced to work.
Now let me correct myself. There is a difference between work and a job. A Job is where you are forced to go and do things for the sake of money, which will not even cover living a life or attainment of all things humane. Frequently people work 70 hours a week to make ends meet. There is no quality to life.
Many people do work with out pay. In my example I was forced to take care of my sick father, do painting and landscaping, help my senior neighbors. All without pay. A quality Universal Income would have help me with getting paid for the work I was doing.
So, people seem to work with out getting paid for it. Since our money is is paid out by the US government and not corporations, being tied into corporate pay is slavery. Each person in the world works at something. House work, looking for a job, cutting your grass, helping your community.
The problem, there is no endless supply of jobs. There never was and never will be. And yet, most nations of this world keep their people down and out because they to control their populace.
Wealthy women get millions of dollars when divorcing their husbands for doing work they do not even do themselves. Judges reward millions of dollars to these women as if they worked in coal mines. We should all have it so bad. Yet the world looks down on welfare mothers. People who have no money to raise their families.
People should be able to collect Universal Income with out the government controlling their lives and relegating people to jobs they do not want. But than again, people aren’t getting a living wage, nor a living social security. While billionaires are getting billions in free money from the government, who is going to bail out the people? No one in the two party government. Which is why we should join adequate socialist parties.
The money is there for a Universal Income and all other social programs.
Than there is the continuation of wealth. The is the son of a millionaire who is an artist. A fairly horrible one to say. But his father, a wealthy Los Angeles Capitalist, pays for his art to be exhibited and he has contacts around the world in which his son displays his crappy art.
When we thing of the millions of talented people out there who are working at drug stores, chain stores, and mindless crappy jobs, they do not have families who could buy their success.
Success today is bought and paid for. Many people will not become successful or even fulfill their aspirations because they come from the wrong segment of society. A segment of society whose only guilt is coming from a working class family.
During the cold war we where told that in communist countries that peoples lives where controlled. They had no freedoms, and could not even become what they wanted. The government would even regulate them to jobs they had no choice of getting. But this has always been the case in America too. If you are a wage slave, it certainly isn’t the America that was promised.

Than there as the peace dividend. After the cold war we where suppose to have livable lives. quality jobs and better pay and social progress.
This never happened, when Ronald Reagan was elected, we went from a creditor nation to a debtor nation. Our future has been under mind and we now have conservative values that dehumanize people.
“You are what you do.” “You are your job.” “Without a job you are nothing.” “Hard work builds character.”
(it doesn’t)
People are forever relegated to the bottom. People have no access to education or a way to fulfill their aspirations. People can make there aspirations there work with a Universal Income.
That starving artist working at the crap jobs can be an artist, and the artist can work at his craft and display his artistry, people can develop their talents be be who they where suppose to be. People can share thiner talents with the world.
Eugene V Debs said, ” I wish the Industries would use their patents so they can have machines to do the work of people, and we can compete as artists do.”
It isn’t just about artists, how about writers, or someone who may wish to spread their religious word
and cultivate their spirituality. (Soteasan) Chung Bil Park once said, “As industrial society develops, cultivate spiritual society.”
Your free time could be your work. How many people have turned there hobbies into businesses? How many people have stands at Flea Markets (Swap Meets)?
A Livable Universal Income would allow this. Along with a living wage and benefits.
Not all work is bad work. Some estimate that 75% of all jobs are useless. But than again, how many people would make great Doctors, lawyers, Para-medics, Infrastructure Repair people.
There is a great future for jobs, yet many people will be left out. The will have a lack of education, come from the wrong University of College, come from the wrong segment of society. The truth is there is always a disposable segment of society where people are not seen as human beings.
Educations should be free. We should aim for a more free and equal society. One that sustain peoples self esteem and gives people a worthy life.
The mindless mind numbing jobs and the dirty jobs should be done by teenagers. Sort of as a life boot camp so they can appreciate the good jobs. Life should be a bit difficult in the early years so that we can grow and love what we do in the future.
Work and jobs are not bad things, our approach to them is what is wrong. One economist once said in the future, there will be to workers at a factory. A Man and a Dog. The man will feed the dog, and the dog will keep man away from machines.
Jobs grow and evolve with history and man. Now is the time for human history to evolve and deliver a more promising life.
The future can be bright, we have many social problems. These can be solved. No job should be seen as a permanent job because life changes and the needs of life and the machinery of society changes with it.
Sad to say the dream jobs are just for people who are well connected.
In the future I believe the Internet and computers will set bus free,w e can work at out Artisan-ship through this media because there will be, eventually enough room for everyone.
How ever the big corporations still dominate taking the luster and effort away from all. Cities and communities are run buy corporations leaving the little guy out. Our Work in the future will be in the activism to change the world and deliver us into a real democracy away from a corporate dominated world.
One cannot say work is bad. It took work to create this article. work has beneficial effects of helping us commune with society, make new friends and have some old ones. It achieves getting needed tasks done. Sometimes, if not more often to the benefit of society.

And They Call It Democracy

Democracy is suppose to be the very heart and soul of our Political lives. But do what we know what Democracy is, how it functions, and how it is suppose to manifest itself?I believe we in America in particular we do not do Democracy well, nor even care about it. With conservatives Freedom and Democracy are hollow words. How could the Party that always violate Civil Liberties and introduces the Patriot Act, be for freedom and Democracy?When we speak about Free Speech, most people really hate it. Many want people controlled. Some people think the Constitution is Democracy. It isn’t. It is just a reflection of it.Many people thought Barak Obama was a Muslim. And if he where, in a real Democracy, with democratic thinking people, that wouldn’t even be a question.So, what if he where a Muslim.Take a look at Ballot Access. In Some States It takes 64,000 signers of a Petition to be on the ballot. Many States have prohibitive laws that allow fair and equal access.Now, isn’t that denying people freedom of choice? Isn’t that denying people the chance to change there government? Or even elect someone with different ideas than the two party system? Many Alternative Party Candidates are either censored, or vilified in the Press.In one election, as I am a frequent candidate, One Democratic opponent accused the Alternative Parties of not supporting his cause and that we only serve to confuse. The Democrats are hostile to change more so than the Republicans.Aren’t the Democrats suppose to be our Liberal Party that supports Civil Rights?Actually, Alternative Parties serve to expose. If thou are confuse, that is your problem.In Europe, there are ten political parties on the Ballot. During a primary election, held on the same day, all opposing party candidates are voted for. The Top Three winners go on to the November Elections. If the Top Two are close they move on to a December election in and instant run off.There are also many public referendums that the People Vote on. In 1992 the Italians voted on how there Congress would work.Thusly, we have the suppression of Ideas. How about some issue, like The Universal Income? A Living Wage? Workers Rights? A 32 hour work week? Sustainable and Livable Communities?It is hard to trust the Democrats. We know what the Republicans are about. But not all Democrats are Liberal. Many are as Conservative, if not more destructive than there counter parts. (Liberal democrats now are pretending to be Green).Than there are our Citizens. Who fails Democracy more than We the People? Our national attitude blows.We look at that guy at the Burger Restaurant, and we never see that server as Human. He is there, he must serve us, and that is where we want him. Why should he go to college, or improve his life? No, we like him where is at. Over worked, underpaid, unable to have a decent life. But we want him there serving our burgers.At Chicago O’hare Air Port I heard one guy rant. That these people behind counters are androids.No one should have a job choice or career, we live to be served and we like being served, as long as it is not us doing the serving. I sometimes believe we really are proponents of slavery.OK folks here we go. Democracy 101. Democracy is a system of government where people have the freedom and liberty to choose their own destiny. Where people can vote for whom we wish and change our government.It also attributes the rights, freedoms, and liberties afforded to all citizens.The freedom to move about. Make choices concerning your life with out a paternalistic government interfering.
For instance, if a women wants to have an abortion, she free will she should be able too because it is her body and her life choice. No one has ever proved that a fetus is a life.In many cases Wealthy women can go to France and have Abortions, yet, poorer womenare stuck. In England, British women help Irish women go to England to have abortionsbecause Ireland still hasn’t legalized abortion. It exists as a semi theocracy.
How about Guys? Aren’t trying to be who they are and pursue there lives with the liberty and freedom all Heterosexuals enjoy? Argues all you want about homosexuality.The facts are, they are here, they are queer, and they aren’t going anywhere. They have been here since time began and they will be here long after we are gone.
We enjoy in the United States some freedom and liberties as citizens. The Governments job is to protect our rights and privileges.
If anyone remembers Faruk Abdul Muhti, he was a political prisoner who died young.He was on a TV Show Called Democracy Now! Speaking about Rights and SweatshopsWhen he was arrested for being a Palestinian. He spent two years in Prison, and denied healthcare for his heart condition.A Judge in York, Pennsylvania couldn’t believe this was happening here in the USA. She set him free. Six months later he died from long term denial of his medications.
Where was his Democracy?
While Billionaires are given billions in Corporate bailouts and welfare, where is our war on poverty? The Indigent are not free.
We in America are bad with Democracy. The news lies to us everyday and gives us no alternatives to request. Our media does our thinking for us and we are hardwired into factoids that are not on par with the Democratic process.
It amazes me after we had a fake cold war with the Soviet Union. We said they where evil and human rights abusers. And yet, we let Mexico and China get away with the same.
Remember the Philippines Revolution. When brutal Dictator Emmanuel Marcos was deposed. George Shultz said we will miss a dear friend. The people of the Philippines expect us to celebrate their freedom and new Democracy. We didn’t.

America The Stupid

Americans really are the most stupid political people on Earth. I heard it from foreigners from the time I was a child. I know this to be true.So what makes Americans so stupid? We are uneducated and dense and we have no real appreciation of Democracy.When I speak about democracy and its principles to most people, they tend to tilt there heads and disagree. People like the notion of Democracy, but deep down we really despise it.When I was in school my high school history teacher gave us a book called “The principals of Democracy.” We also have “The Great State Papers” Content-Bill of Rights, Constitution of the USA and New Jersey.The NJ Constitution is more Democratic-Article 2 tells us we can change our Government. Article 18 gives us the right to collective bargaining, which is unionizing.If we really care about Democracy, why do we vote for Democrats and Republicans? What is the addiction? The Republicrats are the same Party with two wings.Ballot access for Independent and Alternative Parties is oppressive in most States. Some Presidential Candidates an only run in 13 states.In Many foreign Countries, there are ten political parties on the ballot. In a Primary, the top three winners go on the General Election. If the race between the top two is close they have an instant run off a month later.You can speak to people and get political stupidities. When discussing third parties a person will say something like, “What is a third guy going to do?There is no Third Guy, Third Party. And there shouldn’t be third Parties-Alternative Parties. Than there are the issues. We are a Nation with out a notion. We let TV defineOur issues. Than when we think independently and vote independently we vote for Parties like The Libertarians and Constitution Parties. I admire the Libertarian stance on personal liberties. But there approach to life and economics is Catastrophic. Where in the world are people seeking Libertopia?I ran for office on issues like a Living Wage, Universal Income, Workers Rights, and more. One guy who had nothing to say, who’s only Campaign slogan was Rock the Boat, he received 1,200, while I got 519. Another Candidate, who was a neo-fascist type, received 1,300 votes, while a candidate of enlightenment received 1,400 votes.We like nuts like Ross Perot, and we shut down people who are more for the people.The point is, if you get someone who is more entertaining than real, that person will win the popularity contest. People vote on popularity, not because the candidate has substance.Republicans are very ignorant, we know where they stand. Liberals are funny. Many people I protest with think the Democrats are a Socialist Party.I went to the RNC National Convention in New York City. Many Democrats where carrying Radical signs and thinking there man, was a man of peace.He wasn’t and he no Labor or Anti Poverty Platforms. No ideas about improving the quality life.I said to these people, how do you feel that you are in a Party that doesn’t represent you? They look at you perplexed and say nothing or, one of these days the Party will come around and deliver. Why not Join a Socialist Party and would from there? Oh Independents can’t win. They can if you vote for them.Then there is that look of perplexity. The best was during the cold war. We where fighting the mighty Russian Communist Bear. Trying to tell people there was a difference between Communism and Socialism.Used to tell people about Socialism in Western Europe. (Sweden and Denmark.)These people would look at you perplexed and say, aren’t these countries neutral. Yes, they where neutral, but every country has an inner politics and political parties.Karl Marx was right about the proletariat. In America we are a nation of success junkies and we hate the poor. People in America are always looking up thinking their day will arrive and they will be millionaires and better than the rest.In a supermarket you’ll hear someone say, gosh these steaks are expensive! Then some conservative hunch-brain will say-“Oh, I can afford that! Or, my goodness, train fare is expensive. Hunchy will say. “Oh, well, I can still afford a ticket.” In America we rudely do not commiserate. In European Nations they do.No one in the world could stand to see there fellow human with out health care. In America we don’t mind other peoples suffering, as long as it isn’t us. In Long Branch NJ, Contractors where using imminent domain to take people houses from them. Many Citizens didn’t care. Than when more homes where taken, all of a sudden, those people where seeking others to sympathize. No dice.Than, when it happened some more, than the future victims where dismayed because no one cared. Than there is Michael Moore, a professed Socialist voting for Obama. If Mike where really into it why doesn’t he join or start a meaningful Socialist Party?Our Non-practice of Democracy has hurt us and we loose credibility in the eyes of the world. And we have already lost that credibility.

Cooperative Economy

The economy is bleak. It is believed, however, that there are adequate solutions to the current global crisis.
During the Democratic National Convention, all I heard was Amway-like philosophy such as entrepreneurialism and competition.The global economy actually needs to change to a more cooperative economy based on need, rather than profit.
Starting with the United States, what we need to do first are these things:
Have the government nationalize all the major industries. They should become partly government owned. Also, they should exist as democratically controlled agencies. When workers control the means of production, there is quality in the workplace and quality for consumers. Place salary caps on all professional executives, eliminating excessive salaries with golden parachutes.
Decentralize the confiscated companies, and keep them as they existed as separate corporations.
Replace the executives who created this mess with new executives with regulated contracts controlling and making their efforts available to public inspection. Accountability and responsibility is the main feature. No one will be able to take a bath in the people’s money.
Arrest and confiscate all the assets of past executives and their golden parachutes. Return that money to the people. The government can use these assets to counter costs of the buyout.
Future allocations of money for new enterprises, such as solar and ecological initiatives, should be implemented with a special program that allows for public enterprise of newly created corporations that are democratically controlled. No more handouts for millionaires and billionaires.
Have the CEOs and executives stand trial for their crimes, and have them sentenced in a just and speedy trial.
Make privatization unconstitutional, and take back all entities sold off without our permission. It is time to end the millionaire/billionaire mentality as the only answer to economic stimulation. It seems Reaganomics finally reared its head and nothing trickled down for anyone who doesn’t have power or influence. It was a disaster 20 years in the making.
If our forefathers had only seen this, our constitution would be different today. Maybe they should have experimented with socialism. Conservative Alexander Hamilton did when he founded the Paterson Society of Useful Manufacturers — one of history’s great businesses and co-operatives that was worker owned and operated.

Universal Income

The Universal Income or Basic Income Grant isa concept dreived from people like John Locke in the 1800's. Out side of National Healt Care, the UI is the most important political initiative of our time.Mostly Jobs are mindless, boring people management jobs. And they pay very low, wage slavery is still in existence.The welfare system is also slavery. People work for free in State and County pimping operations.There is also an argument that it would bankrupt the country. This Nation seems to have money for everything. $250,000,000,000 for Corporations to big to fail. Another $150,000,000,000 for Automotive industry. NJ Governor Whitman gave Steve Wynn $20,000,000 not to build the Mirage Casino. There seems to be plenty of money for Capitalists, but none for the people.We should be fighting for the universal Income, a livable Social Security. ( ALong with Sustainable and Livable Communities and social programs that work.90% of people min this world live in poverty. In the United States the Success rate is still 90%, which means most of us never get opportunities.We cannot make everyone a millionaire, and not everyone can be a brain surgeon.But should we manage and perpetuate surplus population?This isn't mere Utopia. Here is how we can eliminate poverty all together.1. Enact the UI.2. Perpetuate a Public Works Program ( Americorps/Vista Volunteers)3. Reduce the work hour to 30 hurs.4. Introduce a living wage.5. Make it our mission to build livable sustainable communities.
Wont the Universal Income make us lazy, where will the initiative to work be?People wish to fulfill their aspirations. This means people get paid for personal productivity. I took care of my sick father 15 years. I never saw a dime for it.I done personal work and shouldn't I be paid for it? Being tied to a job and getting paid by a Corporation is a form of slavery. It is people management by the Government in behalf of Corporations.But people will not appreciate things because they didn't earn them!The government isn't the attitude police.Aren't the factories coming back?Snap out of it, the industrial age is over. Factories suck to work in anyway.One economist once said, a factory of the future will have two employees. a man and a dog. The man will feed the dog, and the dog will keep man away from machines.The big thing is deskilling of labor. Work evolves and old jobs disappear. Robotics and Automation will take over.Even non Socialists are writing books Like "Work Sucks" and "Killing the 40 hour work week."If Chinese and Slave labor where not economical, all factories would be mechanized.What are some of the benefits of the UI?
Well, you will not be in perpetual poverty. Lets look at others.1. Your Brother in Law can live in his own.2. Your Mother or Mother In-law will not be forced to move in with you.3. The Crime rate will plummet.4. You can make rent with out worry.5. Your Ex will not need alimony.6. You will not have to support you Parents. ( A Livable Social Security will fix that)7. You'll be free to afford to leave your Job8. You can afford to eat.9. You afford transportation.10. You can have a dignified life with out becoming the government @!$%#.
Also, it creates jobs to economic stimulation But we will need regulations like price control and price gouging. And we need to control the Republicans who will try and undermine all this.Martin Luther King said," I cannot see how not installing a Income For all will not lead to emancipation. I seen thing else that could heal poverty." See a good old socialist handout is a good thing. Our next mission is the Universal income. Deploy Forces!

Universal Income

The Universal Income or Basic Income Grant isa concept dreived from people like John Locke in the 1800's. Out side of National Healt Care, the UI is the most important political initiative of our time.Mostly Jobs are mindless, boring people management jobs. And they pay very low, wage slavery is still in existence.The welfare system is also slavery. People work for free in State and County pimping operations.There is also an argument that it would bankrupt the country. This Nation seems to have money for everything. $250,000,000,000 for Corporations to big to fail. Another $150,000,000,000 for Automotive industry. NJ Governor Whitman gave Steve Wynn $20,000,000 not to build the Mirage Casino. There seems to be plenty of money for Capitalists, but none for the people.We should be fighting for the universal Income, a livable Social Security. ( ALong with Sustainable and Livable Communities and social programs that work.90% of people min this world live in poverty. In the United States the Success rate is still 90%, which means most of us never get opportunities.We cannot make everyone a millionaire, and not everyone can be a brain surgeon.But should we manage and perpetuate surplus population?This isn't mere Utopia. Here is how we can eliminate poverty all together.1. Enact the UI.2. Perpetuate a Public Works Program ( Americorps/Vista Volunteers)3. Reduce the work hour to 30 hurs.4. Introduce a living wage.5. Make it our mission to build livable sustainable communities.
Wont the Universal Income make us lazy, where will the initiative to work be?People wish to fulfill their aspirations. This means people get paid for personal productivity. I took care of my sick father 15 years. I never saw a dime for it.I done personal work and shouldn't I be paid for it? Being tied to a job and getting paid by a Corporation is a form of slavery. It is people management by the Government in behalf of Corporations.But people will not appreciate things because they didn't earn them!The government isn't the attitude police.Aren't the factories coming back?Snap out of it, the industrial age is over. Factories suck to work in anyway.One economist once said, a factory of the future will have two employees. a man and a dog. The man will feed the dog, and the dog will keep man away from machines.The big thing is deskilling of labor. Work evolves and old jobs disappear. Robotics and Automation will take over.Even non Socialists are writing books Like "Work Sucks" and "Killing the 40 hour work week."If Chinese and Slave labor where not economical, all factories would be mechanized.What are some of the benefits of the UI?
Well, you will not be in perpetual poverty. Lets look at others.1. Your Brother in Law can live in his own.2. Your Mother or Mother In-law will not be forced to move in with you.3. The Crime rate will plummet.4. You can make rent with out worry.5. Your Ex will not need alimony.6. You will not have to support you Parents. ( A Livable Social Security will fix that)7. You'll be free to afford to leave your Job8. You can afford to eat.9. You afford transportation.10. You can have a dignified life with out becoming the government @!$%#.
Also, it creates jobs to economic stimulation But we will need regulations like price control and price gouging. And we need to control the Republicans who will try and undermine all this.Martin Luther King said," I cannot see how not installing a Income For all will not lead to emancipation. I seen thing else that could heal poverty." See a good old socialist handout is a good thing. Our next mission is the Universal income. Deploy Forces!

Universal Income (2004)

CLAWS INTERVIEW FORUM RESULTThis is a exchange between Creating Living Alternative To Wage Slavery. As Socialists, we view oursleves as a labor party, but we are also a leisure party. 1. Why should People Collect a Basic Income Grant?To not share the wealth of a society in an equitable way is to ensure suffering, strife and will inhibit the evolution of both the individual and the group involved.2. Aren't people who don't want to work lazy? Shouldn't they contribute to Society?Everyone able should contribute to the society but this in no way requires anyone to have a dead-end job with subsistence wages and questionable benefits. All that are able should be required to supply a variety of services in their community at times as well as be encouraged to explore their natural talents and abilities.3. Some people think everyone can have a job, and that welfare recipients are leeches of society. What is your view?I do not agree, though the current welfare system is detrimental to both the recipient and the society. Based on the economic model that is currently utilized by the society of the USA not everyone can have a job. In fact the economic strategist plan and manipulate the system so that labor is always in abundance and therefore cheap thus ensuring that not all will be employed and that many who are will be under-employed and involved in meaningless labors.4. How would people handle a leisure society? Wouldn't their be work created through leisure?From personal experience I would say that those who are now or recently have been employed in a position where they willingly apply themselves to their tasks will have a more difficult time making the transition than their counterparts who have not invested so much of themselves into their work. The question should not be whether their will be more work created but rather whether it would more useful and satisfying work on both an individual level as well as a societal level.5. Is the economy really doing well, and is it an employee's market?The economy is based on false assumptions and many inequalities and thus has never worked well for all the participants. At present it is doing great damage to the environment and to any people that are not positioned in it's hierarchy.6. Are there any examples of good companies to work for that are progressive?What yardstick is 'Good' qualified by and who decided what standard is used? There are many well meaning people and thus well meaning companies and some that are called progressive or enlightened. But as they are subject to the rules of the current system of economics and the inertia of their underlying cultural beliefs I have yet to find any G'ood' (for the individuals, for the company, for all societies and for the environment) companies. Maybe I haven't looked enough. I would love to hear from anyone about "Good' companies out there.7. What political organizations do you support?At present none.* It should be noted CLAWS isn't part of the SPUSA and many CLAWS may or may not have political affiliations.8. Tell us a bit about the world of work today. The Harris Poll says Everyone is satisfied with their jobs. Is that true?No everyone is not happy with their work today. In fact a great number are not happy on some level (generally more than one). Personally I find the general concept of work in this culture (USA) supports and in fact forces people to become so busy with either work or the prospect of surviving that the possibility for a true democracy is undermined. In addition, the amount of work required has increased for many individuals which translates into less time for individuals/families to evolve and grow in meaningful ways. Work as it is currently contrived too often dehumanizes and thus steals true life experience from those who must work. Quite frankly there is a great deal of unnecessary work being performed and the workload as well as the benefits of it are not equitably shared. This leads to greater class distinction/differences and undermines the very concepts basic to a true democracy and leads to unneeded suffering and strife. It's a well designed machine ensuring that power and privilege stays in the hand of the few, and I'll add, any hope of true enlightenment for the masses.Thank you for the opportunity to not only express my current views but also by being involved with providing a forum where I might learn more via the comments/experiences of others.Chuck Kilmer n_b_check.gif";

Democratic Socialism

Wow, it seems like the word Socialism is in the media. And it seems that many still have no clue what it is. There are many varieties of Socialism (similar to religious denomination) which can make matters confusing. I essence Democratic Socialists, (Social Democrats) define that what we wish to achieve is a Fair and equitable system of government.Wealth is created through both physical and mental labor by working people. Moreover, all creation of wealth in modern society is a collective and cooperative effort The capitalist distribution of wealth, however, pays little attention to these realities. Wealth is concentrated in the hands of the few rather than in the hands of the many who created it. Socialism isn't about high taxes or loss of personal property.One person can say they takes risks to go into businesses, yet it is th laborers who earn that wealth. There is an ever increasing - and entirely unjustified - gap between rich and poor. Socialism aims to correct this crucial problem. It aims to reduce the gap between rich and poor as much as possible and give workers more control over their own work and the wealth they create. Socialism favors an active, responsible state that owns and manages vital services (water, gas, electricity, public transport, etc.) for the benefit of the people, that guides the economy to serve the needs of the many rather than the profits of the few, and that guarantees a better standard of living including, free health care, education, and a universal income, and more. •Of course these are socialist values: Sovereignty of the people. •Government based upon consent of the governed. •Majority rule. •Minority rights. •Guarantee of basic human rights. •Free and fair elections. •Equality before the law. •Due process of law. •Constitutional limits on government. •Social, economic, and political pluralism. •Values of tolerance, pragmatism, cooperation, and compromiseYou understand, socialism isn’t about laziness, handouts, accommodating irresponsibility. We realize our Capitalist culture vilifies socialism because of its fear. We expose the system for what it really is and we choose a higher path.We do not see these values as being week, we see them as strengths in personhood. Capitalism see people as a means to an end as exploitation for profit, Socialism see people as human beings and wishes to free them.The Arts. Economic growth, and enlightenment have come out of Socialism.Eugene V Debs, Socialist Party of America founder and Presidential candidate said, “I am a Socialist, because I am for Humanity.” The Socialist Party of America was once America’s third party. Out side of the Whigs, the SPA was the first Third Party to garner over one million votes.One writer even calls the SPA the most influential party in America. We have to remember, The Public Library, Post Office, and Social Security are all socialist ideas.Do we have Socialism in America? Yes and no. The New Deal and Great Society was loosely based on Socialist principals. When Norman Thomas, five times presidential candidate was asked how he felt about the Democrats brining in his programs he replied that they brought them in coffin.But he also said, The Democrats are capable of brining in and entire socialist program with out using the word, we may have socialism.I somehow doubt it. As long as there are only two Parties, that may become impossible.However I wish Barak Obama the best of luck. He seems to be the best thing we have had in America in decades. Lets hope we get something better than we gotten in the past.

The Future

My name is Tino Rozzo. One of the most censored Writers in America. The news papers will not publish most of my writings. FEAR!
Anyway,as an opening, I will say this. America has no strong Socialist Party. One that is both Social Democratic and Socialist. Socialism in America is too Urbane and Intellectual. We need something that grasps hometown USA along with the Cities.
We also live in an age of ignorance. America is a Nation of trends and insincerity. How could we build a Socialist movement with such a large cultural failure. Americans live in a insensitive, isolated world of selfishness. The Libertarian and National Tax Payer Party are are largest Alternative Parties. We are Joking Right?) Than the news media pushes two dead Parties, The Natural Law and Reform Parties.
So how can we foster change? We must grow larger. We need to grow and organization as large as the Democrats and Republicans. We need a machine that will get us there.
Most Socialist Parties splinter and splinter. There is no future plans for promotion or outreach.
They can not seem to get past the last protest.
We need a Party that is a forward Socialist Party. One digestible to all people. One that is Part of the Socialist International.
We have founded, or re-founded an Old Party. One close to Eugene V Debs and Norman Thomas. The Socialist Party USA. There is another though they do not consider themselves Socialist. The Labor Party.
Socialism has a future, though it will be tough. With the election of Barak Obama, the Democrats may deliver some Socialist Programs. But the Democrats have let us down before.
When Norman Thomas was asked how he felt about the Democrats bring in Socialist Programs he said, “They brought them in…in a Coffin.
The Reagan Administration pulled apart the New Deal and Great Society programs leaving us in misery. The Democrats where complicit. Our Nation almost lost its Democracy in the Patriot Act.
With Obama in office, the Democrats will once again win over people with a pretense of Socialism. We will not have what they have in Europe. But this will hurt the Alternative Party movement.
We must not give up. We must not have a One or two Party System. We must still fight for Democrac