Friday, October 8, 2010

Expose The Tea Baggers

The Tea Baggers are a one stop political center of the ignorant ugly American. States Rights is one of their weapons against progress. The term “states’ rights,” some have argued, has long been used as a code word by defenders of segregation. It was the official name of the “Dixiecrat” party led by white supremacist presidential candidate Strom Thurmond. George Wallace, the Alabama governor—who famously declared in his inaugural address, “Segregation now! Segregation tomorrow! Segregation forever!”—later remarked that he should have said, “States’ rights now! States’ rights tomorrow! States’ rights forever!” Wallace, however, claimed that segregation was but one issue symbolic of a larger struggle for states’ rights; in that view, which some historians dispute, his replacement of segregation with states’ rights would be more of a clarification than a euphemism. The Flat tax: The dissenting voices seem to be made up of “special interest” groups–the real estate industry, charitable organizations, tax attorneys and tax accountants. The general public needs to learn when it becomes understood that the various flat tax proposals will significantly increase the tax burden of Americans earning less than $100,000 per year. This method of tax punishes working class and poor and allows the wealthy more breaks. Capitalism will save us/ Less Government: Another worry is how the chemical dispersants being used to break up the undersea oil will impact the Gulf’s ecosystems and inhabitants. The dispersant’s ingredients are a trade secret closely held by the company that makes it, and therefore have not been vetted by marine biologists to determine their safety for use in such a large application. It also remains to be seen what impact the tiny oil droplets left in the dispersant’s wake will have. It could actually be worse for the undersea environment to break the oil up into tiny droplets (which is done to try to make it easier for microbes to digest them). Beyond all these undersea environmental effects, the oil is also starting to wash up into coastal wetlands already besieged by overdevelopment, pollution . If there can be any silver lining to this catastrophe, it may be that it is the wake-up call we’ve needed to start moving more rapidly away from fossil fuels to a clean, renewable energy future. For starters, we can all begin to reduce our own oil consumption and opt for clean and green energy sources whenever possible. So far Capitalism supports sweatshops, pollution, endless wars, inequality, and poverty. Also, Capitalism is responsible for un-nutritious genetically modified foods. Lees Government means smaller weaker government for the people. Egregious culture of ignorance and selfishness. They like author Ayn Rand for instance. She was a Author of “Atlas Shrugged” and “Fountainhead.” In Atlas Shrugged the wealth go off to start there own Nation because workers and the poor are leaches and the wealthy should keep their money. In Fountainhead a architect blow up a building claiming it is his and the corporation bastardized it. Of course it isn’t and the judge renders it OK to perform acts oif sabatage, Terrorism, and reckless endangerment, and more. It was his creation it belonged to him. They hate the United Nation because they fear Internationalism and crave isolation and wish to bring the world into the past. And Impose there values on people. They hate socialism and confuse Communism with Socialist. Here is a good site: Their mantra is that The top one percent gets everything, and Obama the Socialist supports them with mass money. Capitalism will save us. The top one percent are Capitalists. (Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton are also Socialist. TV personalities who are expected to incite America Cult of Ignorance. On TV shouting and screaming and suggesting that this country is becoming Socialist. – Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter etc are not ‘average Americans’ they are rich people who make millions and part of the ‘elite’ they pretend to rail against. It is their personal interests they are trying to protect while using the ignorance of poor and working class people to do be manipulated in there Cult. The 2009 Tea Parties are merely an updated version of what took place once upon a time with corporate media being the tool that has violated our trust and replaced trust with psychological techniques and discussions designed to manipulate folks who cannot think in the first place. If they told some of these people whiz was champagne, they would drink it. Fear, greed, ignorance, hate. And using the constitution to do it.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

A Social America

Conservatives are going to hate this. We need a more social America and this is what we socialists should be striving for. So, I’ll list our endeavers. With in a structure of a Bill of Democratic Rights here is what we should do.

1. Rights and duties for all- Clearly stated and understood rights and duties for all (individuals, government, co-operatives, business and trade unions) will create new social cohesion and give everyone a chance to participate in, contribute to and benefit society.

2. Full employment- America cannot afford to exclude people from the work- place. We must harness everyone’s talents and skills. Meaningful jobs amd jobs with justice. will be the norm. That is the road to prosperity and to a fairer society.

3. Investing in people Investing in people – through education, training and progressive social policies, is essential if America is to maintain its prosperity. To move from the old job to the new job, America must invest in constantly developing the skills and knowledge of its people.

4. Inclusive societies – nobody left behind Everybody counts! Ending Capitalism as the norm, introducing better health care, universal income, livable, sustainable society. A Living Wage and Income, Affordable housing.

5. Universal child care Good quality, affordable and accessible child care is a necessity for the 21st century family. It gives children the best possible start to their education, frees parents to enter paid employment, creates jobs, and integrates families into the community. If a parent chooses, they may live with a Universal Income

6. Equal rights for all, Inequality between classes is still unacceptably strong. New policies to change inequality – in work, family and public life – will bring social justice and economic benefits. In a neww Social America There are those who argue that America or Europe can no longer afford its welfare states due to the unrelenting pressure of globalization – that nations should compete to set the lowest rates of taxation and have the fewest workers rights. Europe’s socialists and social democrats know there is a better way. America will not be reduced to a competition between states – we stake our claim to a NEW Social America. Our task is to renew and strengthen our welfare states. This is not to preserve them as they are but to reform them with new rights and privileges. and a new deal between people and government.

7. -The rich and privileged should not be the ones to have an education. Education should be free for all. From ages 16-21 youth should have ½ universal income

8. The elimination of Poverty shall be done trough the Universal Income Ands urban renewal. Real estate due to need not investment. The end of slums, and rural poverty and enriching the lives of all.

9. Improving the quality of life for all and making a society that is peaceful, non racist, ecological, and enlightening.

10. Create a Human rights office and social justice office. This office will be a law enforcement adamancy for labor, social justice, rights of human and animals. A public Advocate to challenge government and have presentation. The Tea Party and Conservatives will really hate this but lighter and enlightened minds shall prevail.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Franken Food

Genetically modified foods are made from genetically modified organisms. Genetically modified organisms have had specific changes introduced into their DNA by genetic engineering techniques. These techniques are much more precise than mutagenesis (mutation breeding) where an organism is exposed to chemicals to create a artificial yet stable change. Other techniques by which humans modify food organisms include selective breeding (plant breeding and animal breeding), and somaclonal variation. Bans In 2002, Zambia cut off the flow of Genetically Modified Food from UN’s World Food Program. This left a famine-stricken population without food ssistence.[ In December 2005 the Zambian government changed its mind in the face of further famine and allowed the importation of GM maize. However, the Zambian Minister for Agriculture Mundia Sikatana has insisted that the ban on genetically modified maize remains, saying “We do not want genetically modified foods and our hope is that all of us can continue to produce non-GM foods In April 2004 Hugo Chávez announced a total ban on genetically modified seeds in Venezuela. In January 2005, the Hungarian government announced a ban on importing and planting of genetic modified maize seeds, which was subsequently authorized by the EU. On August 18, 2006, American exports of rice to Europe were interrupted when much of the U.S. crop was confirmed to be contaminated with unapproved engineered genes, possibly due to accidental cross-pollination with conventional crops. On February 9, 2010, Indian Environment Minister, Jairam Ramesh, imposed a moratorium on the cultivation of GMF “for as long as it is needed to establish public trust and confidence”. His decision was made after protest from several groups responding to regulatory approval of the cultivation of Bt brinjal, a GM eggplant in October, 2009. Intellectual property Traditionally, farmers in all nations saved their own seed from year to year. Allowing to follow this practice with genetically modified seed would result in seed developers losing the ability to profit from their breeding work. Therefore, genetically-modified seed are subject to licensing by their developers in contracts that are written to prevent farmers from following this traditional practice. Many objections to genetically modified food crops are based on this change. Monsanto Canada Inc. v. Schmeiser Enforcement of patents on genetically modified plants is often contentious, especially because of gene flow. In 1998, 95-98 percent of about 10 km2 planted with canola by Canadian farmer Percy Schmeiser were found to contain Monsanto Company’s patented Roundup Ready gene although Schmeiser had never purchased seed from Monsanto. The initial source of the plants was undetermined, and could have been through either gene flow or intentional theft. However, the overwhelming predominance of the trait implied that Schmeiser must have intentionally selected for it. The court determined that Schmeiser had saved seed from areas on and adjacent to his property where Roundup had been sprayed, such as ditches and near power poles. Although unable to prove direct theft, Monsanto sued Schmeiser for piracy since he knowingly grew Roundup Ready plants without paying royalties. The case made it to the Canadian Supreme Court, which in 2004 ruled 5 to 4 in Monsanto’s favor. The dissenting judges focused primarily on the fact that Monsanto’s patents covered only the gene itself and glyphosate resistant cells, and failed to cover transgenic plants in their entirety. All of the judges agreed that Schmeiser would not have to pay any damages since he had not benefited from his use of the genetically modified seed. In response to criticism, Monsanto Canada’s Director of Public Affairs stated that “It is not, nor has it ever been Monsanto Canada’s policy to enforce its patent on Roundup Ready crops when they are present on a farmer’s field by accident…Only when there has been a knowing and deliberate violation of its patent rights will Monsanto act. Can you believe that scientists are now actually modifying plants to manufacture pharmaceutical compounds (a technique known as “pharming”), trees which will yield fruit and nuts much earlier in the season than they would naturally, plants that produce new kinds of plastics, and fish that reproduce more rapidly! What are Genetically Modified Organisms ? Farmers have had free seeds in America for 600 years, and now these same free seeds are owned by private sector corporations. Scientists have been and are currently introducing genetic material into organisms to alter, create and affect changes in living plants and animals. These radical changes scientists are developing create specific, desirable traits that might never evolve naturally and in my opinion are extremely dangerous. Collectively called recombinant DNA technology, this practice changes the core genetic make-up of organisms. This genetic manipulation gives scientists the ability to create any trait that they wish, or suppress natural traits they don’t want. There are several reasons this unnatural genetic manipulation may affect you. It’s usually not clear which consumables have been genetically manipulated. You don’t know the long term health effects of these genetically modified foods. Initial research has shown that short-term reactions can be severe. Agro-chemical companies and the government are planning to charge farmers fees to grow their GM crops, thereby negatively affecting the economy and environment. Cultivated Genetically Modified Foods – From bacteria (E. coli) and fungus, fruits and vegetables to animals, genetic manipulation is becoming more and more common in our society. In the US market now, 60 to 70% of the processed foods are genetically modified. In 2006, United States GMO crops reached just shy of 135 million acres, with the total global area exceeding 250 million acres!1 This is a short list of the genetically modified food crops that are grown in the US today: Sugar cane , Sweet peppers, Tomatoes, Bananas ,Strawberries , Soy bean Corn Potatoes , Pineapples ,Cocoa beans ,Yellow squash Zucchini REFERENCES Brief 35: Global Status of Commercialized Biotech/GM Crops: 2006, Accessed Nov 2007. Available for purchase, The True Food Shopping Guide,, from The True Food Network, 50 Harmful Effects of Genetically Modified Foods, by Nathan Batalion, Ibid. American Rice Banned in Many Countries After Genetic Contamination,, by Thomas Whitman, ed., Ecological Farming Association, August 21, 2006 Health Begins in The Colon, ©2007, by Dr. Edward F. Group III, p. 131 Pharm Phresh Frankenfoods,, by Margaret Wertheim, LA Weekly, 7Oct02 Genetically Modified Foods: Are They a Risk to Human/Animal Health?, by Arpad Pusztai. An original article
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Saturday, September 4, 2010

Guns Trade

Just as America's streets are flooded with weaponry, so is the global market-place. From the American-bought hand-gun that killed a Mexican presidential candidate this year to the varied weapons of war equipment used by Iraqi forces during the Persian Gulf War, weapons of every variety are moving undetected across world borders.

Here in the United States, violence-weary Americans have begun standing up to the once all-powerful gun lobbies. In Philadelphia PA there is a murder everyday.

America's arms export policy point to three problems
1. Connected gun merchants are above the law. 2. Many foreign Nations
Aren’t subject to us regulations. 3. Secret Government are complicit in international gun merchandising.
Even a single American-supplied weapon can change an entire contry's history. Luis Donaldo Colosio, the 44-year-old heir-apparent to the Mexican presidency, was killed in March by two bullets fired from a .38-caliber Taurus. The gun was originally purchased in 1977 by a security firm executive in San Francisco and had crossed the Mexican border some time later without a trace, say authorities from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF).

After the end of the Cold War, the Soviet Union collapsed. Tens of thousands of ex-Soviet soldiers were put out of work. Much of Eastern Europe was the same. In Africa, the lack of superpower support meant that the traditional militaries collapsed. And societies were beginning to fragment into numerous rebel groups ( National Liberation Front, Democratic Liberation, ETC) and there was a great demand for military arms. Many of the former Soviet citizens became arms dealers. The situation went from a situation traditionally emphasized heavy arms to one which emphasized small arms -- what the soldier could carry. These would have been AK-47s, rocket-propelled grenade launchers, mortars, that sort of thing. They were cheap, they were durable, and they could be concealed and easily transported. And I think the fact [is] that the West kept track of the state-to-state arms transfers, but what made this a particularly difficult problem after the end of the Cold War was there was no tracking of small arms.
And it had a major impact on Africa -- very devastating. I guess 7 to 8 million people had been killed by the turn of the century [2000]. There were millions of refugees and internally displaced [people]. Also, numerous people maimed or otherwise brutalized. Whole areas of Africa just ravaged. I think perhaps Sierra Leone, Liberia, and eastern Congo are the most terrifying examples.

The flow of arms into Africa is a worldwide phenomenon. Arms dealers use banks throughout the world. Transportation companies throughout the world, whether it be sea or airplane. Deals are made in one country for arms purchased in other countries. A lot of arms flowed out of the former Soviet republics. But there were also arms coming from European countries as well, and Asian countries. It was a bonanza. And it was unregulated.
The impact on Africa, if you could look at several different sectors of society. The Karamojong people living in eastern Africa, it's a pastoral group, traditional warriors. Suddenly, they're armed with AK-47s. It turned their society into chaos. In eastern Congo, where you had an invasion by the Ugandans and Rwandans and various rebel groups active in the area, it just devastated the entire portion of that country. I can remember speaking with some people who lived there. They said, "There's nothing here. There's no roads. There's no police force. There's no schools. There's no medical services. There's nothing. You're on your own." And that is the most egregious example. And then you have rising crime rates in places like Nairobi or Johannesburg, in part fueled by the easy availability of illegal arms.

Children and millions around, not just Africa, the world are being sensely murder and are victims of international weapons trade.

The Revolutionary United front (RUF) in Sierra Leone armed up to 23,000 child soldiers with illegally acquired arms. These children were mostly used to raid villages and guard diamond mines. They were drugged, raped and forced to commit such atrocities as killing their own parents Many Children are dismember and hacked or shot to death.

The illegal arms trade makes the armed seizure of natural resources possible.

Small arms can be traded directly for natural resources such as oil, diamonds, and timber or for the profits generated by the sale of those natural resources.

This is like a cancer.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Capitalism and Socialism

The USA is the richest country in the world. Yet millions of people will be homeless at some time over many long years. There’s no national health scheme, and over forty million people cannot afford private coverage. Socialism seems to be the better alternative. Socialism is about solving our Social and Econmic problems in a fair and equitable basis. Social-democracy as Democratic Socialism an alternative strategy for achieving socialism. Socialism is fights for the abolishment of wage-slavery and the capitalist system built on it by a different system – freedom, cooperative, liberty, Democratic labor. What has that got to do with the modest reforms achieved by the Capitalists and Trotskyites? The fight for social reforms and the defense of existing welfare state provisions are indeed necessary for socialists to take up. Although socialsim isn‘t a pencea, it is the true and real political solution. If only a free market economy can offer democracy. Without it you get state control, and state control inevitably stifles democracy socialists do not want a bureaucratic state, high taxes, and inefficiencies as lies told by Democrats, Republicans, and libertarians. Capitalism has become less irrational and inhuman since industrial revolution. Wage slavery and exploitation are still at the heart and root of capitalism. In a world of vast productivity and excess food production, 150 million children (by UN statistics) do not get enough to eat. Capitalism thrives on exploitation as consumers, women, children, seniors and men suffer in the circuit of the underprivileged. The idea that only the market system can be the basis for democracy is like saying only wage slavery for the masses and increasing concentration of wealth and power at the top of society can be the basis of democracy! Democracy in capitalism is limited and unstable. This came from Social Revolutions demanded by the people. We need to spark this up again. Mass self-rule by the producers, dominated neither by a bureaucratic state monopoly nor by the economic rule of the multimillionaires and their officials, is a better form of democracy. See this link for more:
Myths About Socialism
A Case for Socialism in the Twenty First Century-Jason Schulman
There are lies myths and slanders against socialism, like Socialism is about bureaucracy, bigger government, more taxes. This is just about providing Socialism to the people and not millionaires.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Social Anthropology

Social anthropology is one of the four or five branches of anthropology that studies how contemporary human beings behave in social groups and siuations. Practitioners of social anthropology investigate, often through long-term, intensive observation (Includin research and participation), the social organization of a particular person: customs, economic and political organization, law and conflict resolution, patterns of consumption and exchange, kinship and family structure, child rearing and socialization, religion,Socialists must understand ; economic anthropology; environment ; development.Ethnic and gender identity based politics; Intersectional of ethnicity/race, and class; Anthropology of human rights; Anthropology of human inequality; Ethnic inequalities and economic transformation in the planet mission to eliminate poverty. The development of civil society in the world. The impact on this process, climate change policies (focus on their impact on sustainable and livable communities), Science and Technology Studies , sociology of organizations and institutional sociology, theories of power. anthropology of war, violence and conflict, nation-state, ethnicity, and economic anthropology.Many Liberals and Socialist here in America are clueless to the culture and societies of others.The problem is ignorance and inexperience. Many socialists feel that the world should adhere to American values and perpetuate socialism on those values. This is utter non sense.People of different culture and societies have social morays and values of there own, which many American, even socialists do not understand..In the beginning of Star Trek, Captain Kirk speaks about new cultures and civilizations.When many Star Trek and its predecessor shows viewed the different values and natures of alien beings.People criticized Benazare Bhuto when she had an arranged marriage. She explained, even as a Socialist, that this was her way and her religion.If one where to go to Japan or Korea and start preaching the American gospel, they would tell you they have different values and culture.People have their way of life, communication, environmental, and value system different from ours.There are some who believe we should force people to see things our way. This didn’t work in Italy as I once was told by my cousin. A fellow socialist, this is Italy, not America, we do things differently here.If American Socialist are going to be successful, we will have to follow the view of Gene Roddenberry. Also, Burt Wolf says, ” Travel melts away, ignorance, prejudice, and opens our minds.”In dealing with people the mutual respect of being alien and foreign come to understanding. Democratic Socialism will free us all in different ways.With universal understanding, tolerances, and acceptance of similarities and differences. We are all human beings and have many of the same needs. respect is a major ingredient. And diplomacy must be learned.

Monday, July 19, 2010

American Labor Party Points

What is Democratic Socialism?

It is a Economic and Political system based in fairness and equity. It advocate Public Ownership as in Municipal and State Governments by the people. It forms a radical democracy placing peoples lives in their own hands through democratically controlled institutions, such as banks, utility, businesses, and co-operatives. Democratic Socialism is synonymous with Democracy.

What does a Democratic Socialist Party do?

It brings social and economic justice into our lives. It combats poverty, worker exploitation. It also improves the quality of life in society fostering a better world too live through social programs and public initiatives which improves the quality of life. These include Sustainable and livable communities, Public enterprise, alternative energies, green planning. It denies corporate welfare, socialism for the rich, rich people perks and abatement.

Is a Socialist Party a multi tendency Party?

Yes, but that doesn’t mean we accept Trotskyites and Communists. And we can work with Democrats, Greens, and other Socialist who are on this same page. We will not compromise our fight against Capitalism and we have visions and ideas that come from us and others who’s ideas are sound and for the people.

Te American Labor Party is in Favor of The Socialist International!

We agree that the Socialist International membership has had massive failures. But they have also had massive successes. Like free education, free health care, improving the quality of life. Workers rights and other programs. Amongst the Happiest Countries in the world the top 7 all have had Socialist and Labor Parties. We would like to change the third way and neo-liberal values. We believe we can be an asset.

Why a Labor Party?

Because Labor is how we survive. We have a multitude of issues to fight for, but first and foremost, We are about Labor and Anti Poverty. Once we solve those issues our new Revolution can be successful. We are no Different from our USA forefathers in a fight for Freedom and Democracy. Even George Washing ton thought we should have a Revolution every 200 years to rebuild our Democracy and fight off Imperialistic governments.

What will we do?

We will fight for the freedom and liberty of people who agree with us and some who do not. We believe people should freedom in their lives and electorate, and the USA should be a true Democracy in every sense of the word. We believe in a Social Democracy, economic democracy, and human rights, and a better world.

Socialist International

The Second International, which was formed in 1889 and dissolved on the eve of World War I in 1914 and the Labour and Socialist International which dissolved itself in 1940 with the rise of Nazism and the start of World War II, constituted some of the same parties that would later form the Socialist International.While the Second International was split by the outbreak of World War a skeleton form survived through the International Socialist Commission. The International re-formed in 1923 (as the Labor and Socialist International), and was reconstituted again, in its present form, after World War II (during which many social democratic and socialist parties had been suppressed in Nazi-occupied Europe).During the post-World War II period, the SI aided social democratic parties in re-establishing themselves when dictatorship gave way to democracy in Portugal (1974) and Spain (1975). Until its 1976 Geneva Congress, the Socialist International had few members outside Europe and no formal involvement with Latin America. In the 1980s, most SI parties gave their backing to the Nicaraguan Sandinistas (FSLN), whose left-wing government had incited enmity from the United States.Since then, the SI has admitted as member-parties not only the FSLN but also the centre-left Puerto Rican Independence Party, as well as the ex-Communist parties such as the Italian Democrats of the Left (Democratici di Sinistra (DS)) and the Front for the Liberation of Mozambique (FRELIMO).The Party of European Socialists, a European political party active in the European Parliament, is an associated organization of the Socialist International.
The SI itself is still a top shelf organization of the global left. They officially support the various anti-capitalist movements around the world. The SI calls for the international abolition of the death penalty. The SI favors every country adopting some kind of Ecological policies. They also favor canceling debts in many of the 3rd world nations. It is importantly to remember that the SI opposed the US led action of war on Iraq . Virtually every SI member party opposed the war.
The SI took a stand against apartheid In South Africa supporting Mandella. Being a champion in international human rights. In Jamaica Prime Minster Stanley took a stand against US pressure. The US gave the (socialist) People’s National Party government a hard time for Jamaica trying to get rid of poverty and having the nerve to embrace Cuba. In a Conservative government, the Jamaican begin toting M16 military riffles.
The Socialist Party of Allenede came back to power several years ago which is a adamant rejection of Augusto Pinochet’s fascist reign of terror and human rights abuses which lasted from 1973 until 1990. After the CIA backed overthrow of democratically elected Salvatore Allende.The Movement toward Socialism organization in Venezuela is an observer status member of the SI. The MTS supports the justice and reforms of Hugo Chavez. Unfortunately, the Bush Administration has to destroy the Socialist government of Venezuela. The USA’s northern neighbor, Canada. The New Democratic Party did fairly well. They picked up 5 seats in the House of Commons from 14 to 19. electorate.
The Socialist Party of America had had enormous success in Milwaukee when it was an SI party member. No since the early 1900′s has the USA had a real significant Socialist Party. That is Where the American Labor Party and Socialist International step in. The ALP/ISO will seek entrance to the SI.
Dedicated and Inspred by Mel Little


“I am a Socialist because I am for humanity”
Eugene V Debs
“I am a Socialist because I believe that Socialism and Democracy are the only Political Ideologies that allow people to be completely Human.”
Tino Rozzo
Compiled from Various sources:
Democracy is a political form of government where governing power is derived from the people, either by direct referendum (direct democracy) or by means of elected representatives of the people (representative Democracy has taken a number of forms, both in theory and practice. The following kinds are not exclusive of one another: many specify details of aspects that are independent of one
Representative democracy involves the selection of government officials by the people being represented. If the head of state is also democratically elected then it is called a democratic republic. The most common mechanisms involve election of the candidate with a majority or a plurality of the votes.
Representatives may be elected or become diplomatic representatives by a particular district (or constituency), or represent the entire electorate proportionally proportional systems, with some using a combination of the two. Some representative democracies also incorporate elements of direct democracy, such as referendums. A characteristic of representative democracy is that while the representatives are elected by the people to act in their interest, they retain the freedom to exercise their own judgment as how best to do so.
Parliamentary democracy is a representative democracy where government is appointed by parliamentary representatives as opposed to a 'presidential rule' wherein the President is both head of state and the head of government and is elected by the voters. Under a parliamentary democracy, government is exercised by delegation to an executive ministry and subject to ongoing review, checks and balances by the legislative parliament elected by the people.
A Liberal democracy is a representative democracy in which the ability of the elected representatives to exercise decision-making power is subject to the rule of law, and usually moderated by a constitution that emphasizes the protection of the rights and freedoms of individuals, and which places constraints on the leaders and on the extent to which the will of the majority can be exercised against the rights of minorities (see civil liberties).
Direct democracy is a political system where the citizens participate in the decision-making personally, contrary to relying on intermediaries or representatives. The supporters of direct democracy argue that democracy is more than merely a procedural issue. A direct democracy gives the voting population the power to:
Change constitutional laws, Put forth initiatives, referenda and suggestions for laws,
Give binding orders to elective officials, such as revoking them before the end of their elected term, or initiating a lawsuit for breaking a campaign promise.
Of the three measures mentioned, most operate in developed democracies today. This is part of a gradual shift towards direct democracies. Examples of this include the extensive use of referenda in California with more than 20 million voters, and (i.e., voting).[ in Switzerland, where five million voters decide on national referenda and initiatives two to four times a year; direct democratic instruments are also well established at the cantonal and communal level. Vermont towns have been known for their yearly town meetings, held every March to decide on local issues. No direct democracy is in existence outside the framework of a different overarching form of government. Most direct democracies to date have been weak forms, relatively small communities, usually city-states. The world is yet to see a large, fundamental, working example of direct democracy as of yet, with most examples being small and weak forms.
A Par-polity or Participatory Polity is a theoretical form of democracy that is ruled by a Nested Council structure. The guiding philosophy is that people should have decision making power in proportion to how much they are affected by the decision. Local councils of 25-50 people are completely autonomous on issues that affect only them, and these councils send delegates to higher level councils who are again autonomous regarding issues that affect only the population affected by that council.
A council court of randomly chosen citizens serves as a check on the tyranny of the majority, and rules on which body gets to vote on which issue. Delegates can vote differently than their sending council might wish, but are mandated to communicate the wishes of their sending council. Delegates are recallable at any time. Referenda are possible at any time via votes of the majority of lower level councils, however, not everything is a referendum as this is most likely a waste of time. A par-polity is meant to work in tandem with a participatory economy
Socialist Democracy:
Contemporary social democracy:
A red rose is often used as a symbol of social democracy, mostly adopted in the period after World War II. The American Labor Party uses the rose, carnation, and cardinal.
The contemporary social democratic movement came into being through a break within the socialist movement in the early years of the twentieth century. Speaking broadly, this break can be described as a parting of ways between those who insisted upon political revolution as a precondition for the achievement of socialist goals and those who maintained that a gradual or evolutionary path to socialism was both possible and desirable. Many held a view of quite different objections to Marxism.
Social democracy should neither expect nor desire the imminent collapse of the existing economic system What social democracy should be doing, and doing for a long time to come, is organize the working class politically, train it for democracy, and fight for any and all reforms in the state which are designed to raise the working class and make the state more democratic." Eduard Bernstein[15
Social Democracy Economic Planning, Mixed Economy, Participatory planning Market economics, Market-oriented Mixed economy Regulated markets: Social Market, Mixed-Market, Welfare State State ownership or cooperative ownership of the means of production and heavy industry State ownership or cooperative ownership of the means of production Private ownership of the means of production with minimal public ownership of some industry State or public owns resources and major economic institutions, uses the surplus labor to fund government programs, state-directed investment State, public or worker cooperatives own resources and enterprises, uses them to fund government programs, sometimes with state-directed investment State mainly funded through progressive taxation, government regulates private business and provides welfare Socialist economics, Economic planning.
The main feature, All people have the right to freedom and liberty. They have divergent points if view free opinion and expression.
This also means free and unhindered elections, with all candidates represented from various political parties with free and open access to the ballot for freedom of choice. access
Democratic Socialism is a description used by various socialist movements and organizations, to emphasize the democratic character of their political orientation. The term is sometimes used synonymously with 'social democracy', but many self-identified democratic socialists oppose contemporary social democracy because it is based on the capitalist mode of production.
Democratic socialism is difficult to define, and groups of scholars have radically different definitions for the term. Some definitions simply refer to all forms of socialism that follow an electoral, reformist or evolutionary path to socialism, rather than a revolutionary one.] Often, this definition is invoked to distinguish democratic socialism from communism, as in Donald Busky's Democratic Socialism: A Global Survey], Jim Tomlinson's Democratic Socialism and Economic Policy: The Attlee Years, 1945-1951, Norman Thomas Democratic Socialism: a new appraisal or Roy Hattersley's Choose Freedom: The Future of Democratic Socialism.
In light, Capitalism must be eventually burned out, become the exception and not the norm. Nationalization and th end of Neo-liberal programs are the mission.
We reject Democratic Centralism and quasi Democracies. Only Democracy in its truest form
Dedicated to Don Busky-Red Pen. RIP.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Democratic Socialism

Democratic Socialism advocates for real change. Our agenda has two sides. One for social change, and one for political change. The issue of Social change must be implemented and there must be allowance for it. Here in The USA, along with many communities, even in a global sense, A majority of people public policy that would Further the combat against poverty and social inequality. Many times the preferences of ordinary citizens Are ignored for the sake in demands of powerful elements such as groups, powerful investors, corporations, Major investors and the affluent. Those people do not mind the high degree of inequality. The remedies of societies problems are possible. But frequently fought off with right wing mythology which states. we will create more bureaucracies, smaller government, and Utopianism. The chief purpose of government is to pursue policies that benefit all citizens. Even Republican Abraham Lincoln supported the notion of a "Government For The People". These must include the fight against poverty and economic inequality. In fact these policies are efficient, effective, and freedom enhancing, rather than wasteful or freedom reducing. Social policy often meets Right Wing moral platitudes against those Who need assistance or are suffering and defines them as the undeserved and burden to society. I call for a Political system of Compassion and open mindedness, rather than one of disdain and ignorance. We need to address those who labor, as the are the most important segment of society, since work defines most peoples lives. No more should the worker, nor those who contribute to society have unjust laws against them and be made to suffer the consequences of oppression. Socialist Parties are about "Labor and The People. As many who know, New Zealand, Canada, and Scandinavia are Democratic Socialist States or have had them, they are not neutral. All socialists should are acquainted with being business-minded and union-minded. Opposing capitalism does not mean opposing business or trade; we are not advocates of returning the world to a regressive state, we are advocates of advancing the human condition. That requires knowing the terrain in which modern are fought on behalf of the worker and society for a truer Democracy. In Europe there are ten parties on the ballot-and voting is done on Saturday. It is also treated as a National Holiday. These Countries have a 98% voter turn out. Instead of the 40% we have here. The Mythology of stealing votes, and more parties are hurtful are the cries of the two party duopoly who wish to maintain power. We saw what a fiasco the two party system has been in the last Presidential election and throughout the years. In a real Democracy people have what is called FREEDOM OF CHOICE. In a Democratic society people have the right to exchange ideas and have free and open exchange ideologies, and make choices based upon them. Socialism wishes to transform society. The popular notions of economic development must pass. We have developed a materialistic society based on wasteful consumerism. That must change. We need to build a society that embraces a sustainable future. Many communities are recklessly being destroyed but rampant development. This Development has brought to many strip malls and not enough economic development which produce quality jobs. We need a sustainable future. One that balances our ecological needs with our financial needs. Our future must contain a greater degree of Cooperative Enterprise. We must develop and build Cooperatives so people can have quality jobs that also sustain our lives. Cooperatives are businesses own by Employees. They are run on a democratic basis and fulfill Economic and social needs. The advantages of Cooperatives are that they are Democratic, self sufficient, equal, give equity, Provide a living wage, and ecologically sound. There are many Cooperatives that can be developed. Worker owned Supermarkets, energy Companies, Phone Companies, Social Needs Coops, and more. Coops and Public enterpise should be developed in place of Welfare, because they can alleviate poverty, re-develop Communities, and sustain the natural environment. This would give people the ability to control there own work. Employees would have control of the means of production. It would also eliminate the mindless mind numbing jobs entrenched in Taylorism and Workfare Programs which pay slave wages. We need a welfare system that will give people freedom, and not manage poverty. We can change society so every person can live a happy fulfilling life. One of the best systems of Coop enterprise is the Mondragon system of Spain's Basque region. We have coops in America that provide inexpensive food, and where the first in product labeling and consumer consciousness is providing quality products. We need a better system of work environment. American Socialists advocate

1. Six weeks paid vacation.

2. National Health Care.

3. Social Programs that work.

4. A Living Wage.

5. Free Continued College and University.

6. Ecological Development

7 Labor Rights

8 Meaningful Jobs

By cutting back on Government Waste and Corporate welfare programs we could literally afford all of this For our nation and share with developing nations. Transforming our attitudes away from the coldness of today’ thinking, we could develop a society Where we develop more compassionate, charitable mentality. Where the national wealth is shared and we put a end to the torture of poverty .

Democratic Socialism is about prepetuating a better society.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Workers Democarcy

Workplace democracy is the application of democracy in all its forms (including voting systems, debates, democratic structuring, due process, adversarial process, systems of appeal, and so on) to the workplace.It usually involves or requires more use of lateral methods like arbitration when workplace disputes arise.Workplace democracy theory closely follows political democracy, especially where businesses are large or politics is small:movement, farm and retail co-operative movements, Democratic Employee Stock Option Plans all made contributions to the theory and practice of workplace democracy and often carried that into the political arena as a "more participatory democracy." The Socialist International Social Democrat, Socialist and Labor Parties should adopted this as one of their Main focuses. Workplace democracy norms such as co-leadership, deliberative democracy applied to any major decision, and leaders who don't do policy. The Democratic Socialist Parties have always supported the notion of work place democracy and democratically controlled institutions.In Sweden, the Social Democratic Party made laws and reforms 1950-70 to achieve more democratic workplaces. The unions right to balance the management and have some influential power was rather radical at that time, but still within the capitalistic society. ( which should be burned out)Politically, Salvador Allende inspired a large number of such experiments in Chile before his death on September 11, 1973. The book Brain of the Firm by Stafford Beer details experiments in workplace feedback that exploited systems theory extensively.Venezuela has instituted worker-run "co-management" initiatives in which workers' councils are the cornerstone of the management of a plant or factory. In experimental co-managed enterprises, such as the state-owned Alcasa factory, workers develop budgets and elect both managers and departmental delegates who work together with strategists on technical issues related to production.
Individual career development
Employee development, job enrichment, job rotation and entrance training can be arranged by the work team itself to suit its own schedule. Job sharing is also possible and desirable if a worker wants time off and another is in a position to do overtime, without the concern that this will set a precedent for management abuses or job losses.Training should not be for insiders or the well connected but should benefit the community.Succession planning is everyone's problem: senior management will be replaced by whoever is elected to replace them. There shall be no discrimination or class. All people will have the opportunity to have positions, entry positions, education, and leadership training. with out coming from and important family or special connections.
Organizational structure and management
Office politics in such an environment can be difficult: people might devote a lot of time to keeping their colleagues satisfied and supporting them socially and politically, and there is less surety of success. Success is much better through a co-operative system. Performance appraisals in particular are very sensitive, as it's conducted by peers. Meetings and meeting systems must generally be very efficient, and require strong models of chairmanship and sophisticated models of how to handle consent and dissent. Open-space meetings and other methods to define their agendas have been used by some organizations, notably political party and management consultant organizations. One example is the Living Agenda pioneered by Canadian political parties.There must be assurances that fellow workers will not abuse and protection instilled by quality control and Union Committees.Organizational culture should however be generally more accepting of organizational learning and peer review of performance.Performance improvement, self-assessment and coping with one's own Ability to adapt and mature. However, this is not to say those skills always apply in management: Peter principle applies if anything faster: people who are perceived as effective are elected to run things, which they promptly fail at. However, there is much more acceptance of returning to the shop as a worker if someone fails at management, which is much more difficult in organizations where there is a culture gap between managers and workers. This can be improved by education for competence and ability in a education system that doesn’t fail to provide the education needed.Also grievance and resolution can be applied. The better planned organization, the better the chances of success. There should be an avoidance of nepotism and the buddy system.
It may be easier in environments where consensus or consensus-seeking decision-making is already practiced for the most important decisions: who leads. Consensus democracy methods already exist to make very large scale decisions in social organizations.
As well as factories producing everything from textiles, ceramics, glass and rubber to food and refrigerators, the network also includes transportation companies, educational facilities and even hospitals. Most of them are headed up by men, but in some cases, the horizontal organizational structure has helped women move into leading roles.
One of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) adopted by the world's governments in 2000 is to promote gender equality and empower women. But in this case, the progress achieved by women is not a result of a government policy. On the contrary, it was the women themselves who took control of the abandoned factories and other businesses and got them back on their feet.
Grissinópoli is a member of the National Movement of Factories Recovered by Workers, a collective of roughly 80 companies formed in the late 1990s to group together bankrupted businesses that had been abandoned by their owners, but not by their employees. These factories are now boss free and co-operative.
Everyone who sells their body for labor for a living are members of the working class. This includes most segments of society, workers who are self-employed as well as wage earners in the employment field. We are different in multitudes of ways but one thing we have in solidarity is that we are all members of the working class, we all depend on our work and that of our families. The real enemies of the working class are the capitalists - a small society that gets their income mainly from stocks, bonds, inheritances, and real estate. They control the political parties and the government with their wealth. These people make their money from birth right, not from work. The more profit they make, the more damage they do. The working class also does not include small employers and managers (petty despots) who control workers. Workers are 90% of the population. Although not all elements of Capitalism are bad, Capitalism should be the exception, no the norm.

Workers Democarcy

Workplace democracy is the application of democracy in all its forms (including voting systems, debates, democratic structuring, due process, adversarial process, systems of appeal, and so on) to the workplace.It usually involves or requires more use of lateral methods like arbitration when workplace disputes arise.Workplace democracy theory closely follows political democracy, especially where businesses are large or politics is small:movement, farm and retail co-operative movements, Democratic Employee Stock Option Plans all made contributions to the theory and practice of workplace democracy and often carried that into the political arena as a "more participatory democracy." The Socialist International Social Democrat, Socialist and Labor Parties should adopted this as one of their Main focuses. Workplace democracy norms such as co-leadership, deliberative democracy applied to any major decision, and leaders who don't do policy. The Democratic Socialist Parties have always supported the notion of work place democracy and democratically controlled institutions.In Sweden, the Social Democratic Party made laws and reforms 1950-70 to achieve more democratic workplaces. The unions right to balance the management and have some influential power was rather radical at that time, but still within the capitalistic society. ( which should be burned out)Politically, Salvador Allende inspired a large number of such experiments in Chile before his death on September 11, 1973. The book Brain of the Firm by Stafford Beer details experiments in workplace feedback that exploited systems theory extensively.Venezuela has instituted worker-run "co-management" initiatives in which workers' councils are the cornerstone of the management of a plant or factory. In experimental co-managed enterprises, such as the state-owned Alcasa factory, workers develop budgets and elect both managers and departmental delegates who work together with strategists on technical issues related to production.
Individual career development
Employee development, job enrichment, job rotation and entrance training can be arranged by the work team itself to suit its own schedule. Job sharing is also possible and desirable if a worker wants time off and another is in a position to do overtime, without the concern that this will set a precedent for management abuses or job losses.Training should not be for insiders or the well connected but should benefit the community.Succession planning is everyone's problem: senior management will be replaced by whoever is elected to replace them. There shall be no discrimination or class. All people will have the opportunity to have positions, entry positions, education, and leadership training. with out coming from and important family or special connections.
Organizational structure and management
Office politics in such an environment can be difficult: people might devote a lot of time to keeping their colleagues satisfied and supporting them socially and politically, and there is less surety of success. Success is much better through a co-operative system. Performance appraisals in particular are very sensitive, as it's conducted by peers. Meetings and meeting systems must generally be very efficient, and require strong models of chairmanship and sophisticated models of how to handle consent and dissent. Open-space meetings and other methods to define their agendas have been used by some organizations, notably political party and management consultant organizations. One example is the Living Agenda pioneered by Canadian political parties.There must be assurances that fellow workers will not abuse and protection instilled by quality control and Union Committees.Organizational culture should however be generally more accepting of organizational learning and peer review of performance.Performance improvement, self-assessment and coping with one's own Ability to adapt and mature. However, this is not to say those skills always apply in management: Peter principle applies if anything faster: people who are perceived as effective are elected to run things, which they promptly fail at. However, there is much more acceptance of returning to the shop as a worker if someone fails at management, which is much more difficult in organizations where there is a culture gap between managers and workers. This can be improved by education for competence and ability in a education system that doesn’t fail to provide the education needed.Also grievance and resolution can be applied. The better planned organization, the better the chances of success. There should be an avoidance of nepotism and the buddy system.
It may be easier in environments where consensus or consensus-seeking decision-making is already practiced for the most important decisions: who leads. Consensus democracy methods already exist to make very large scale decisions in social organizations.
As well as factories producing everything from textiles, ceramics, glass and rubber to food and refrigerators, the network also includes transportation companies, educational facilities and even hospitals. Most of them are headed up by men, but in some cases, the horizontal organizational structure has helped women move into leading roles.
One of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) adopted by the world's governments in 2000 is to promote gender equality and empower women. But in this case, the progress achieved by women is not a result of a government policy. On the contrary, it was the women themselves who took control of the abandoned factories and other businesses and got them back on their feet.
Grissinópoli is a member of the National Movement of Factories Recovered by Workers, a collective of roughly 80 companies formed in the late 1990s to group together bankrupted businesses that had been abandoned by their owners, but not by their employees. These factories are now boss free and co-operative.
Everyone who sells their body for labor for a living are members of the working class. This includes most segments of society, workers who are self-employed as well as wage earners in the employment field. We are different in multitudes of ways but one thing we have in solidarity is that we are all members of the working class, we all depend on our work and that of our families. The real enemies of the working class are the capitalists - a small society that gets their income mainly from stocks, bonds, inheritances, and real estate. They control the political parties and the government with their wealth. These people make their money from birth right, not from work. The more profit they make, the more damage they do. The working class also does not include small employers and managers (petty despots) who control workers. Workers are 90% of the population. Although not all elements of Capitalism are bad, Capitalism should be the exception, no the norm.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Tea Baggers

When it comes to Tea I prefer mine to be Oolong at a Chinese restaurant. Jimmy Lee Hollis never fails to strike a reaction.The Tea Part makes erroneous statements, like Obama, Clinton, and Carter where all Socialists. In which I have never heard any speak of Universal health Care, a full time 32 hour week, six weeks vacation, and the improvement of education out side the corporate initiative.Although in this district take heart, we have a Candidate in the American Labor Party/ Independent Socialist Party named Vitov Valdes Munoz. Who is the only progressive on the ballot. So we Leftist Liberals have someone to Vote for.Of course Tea Baggers say only Capitalism will save us. And BP is doing such a splendid job of saving us, that I have a friend in Florida who really appreciate what BP has done for her economy.She is a cook, and she says no one is going to Florida for a vacation. The Oil Glots are already there and the Florida economy in her area is going into collapse.When I figure that we have always hosted sweatshops and labor with multitudes of human rights abuses, one could be sure people didn’t wake up one mourning and say, just for the fun of it, lets start Unions. Capitalism works, and sometimes it works on people, animals, and the environment inhumanely. What a savior.We are also Coffee Party Advocates. Rather than Conservative Reactionary Politics, The National Coffee Party is a Coalition of people who encourage deliberation guided by reason amongst the many viewpoints held by our members. We see our diversity as a strength, not a weakness, because we believe that faithful deliberation from multiple vantage points is the best way to achieve the common good. It is in the responsible and reasonable practice of deliberation that we hope to contribute to society.The National Coffee Party doesn’t run candidates. I have re-founded the American Labor Party/Independent Socialist Party to run candidates and promote a greater democracy.The Tea Party suggested that the Second Amendent allows us to bear arms against the Federal Government. Sounds like sedition too me. On March 20, 2010, before the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Bill was voted on in Washington D.C., it was reported that Tea Party protesters against the bill used racial and homophobic slurs. Several black lawmakers said that demonstrators shouted "the N-word" at them. Congressman Emanuel Cleaver said he was spat upon, and Congressman Barney Frank, who is gay, was called a "faggot." Representative André Carson said that as he walked from the Cannon House Office Building with Representative John Lewis, amid chants of "Kill the bill" he heard the "n - word at least 15 times". One man "just rattled it off several times." Carson quoted Lewis as saying, "You know, this reminds me of a different time."I do not believe that the majority of the Tea Party activist are racist but if you go to one of their rallies a good portion of them are. Look up a group called Brave New Films. They have a section on the Tea Party rallies and racism. The ALP/ISO and Coffee Clutch is concerned with many progressive issues. The Coffee Party and ALP/ISO have the same message in Coalition.They are a political movement that developed as an alternative to the Tea Party movement. Its mission states that it is based on the underlying principle that the government is "not the enemy of the people, but the expression of our collective will, and that we must participate in the democratic process in order to address the challenges we face as Americans. Its stated goals include getting cooperation in government and removing corporate influence from politics.And we endorse Vitov Valdes Munoz for congress.first ALP Cnadidiate since Vito Marcantonio.

Monday, June 21, 2010


I have studied the Immigration issue and feel I mustadd an alternative insight to the norm of belief andmisconception.I have age on my side with much political memory. I’llstart with the Cold War.As a teenager we heard many things about the SovietUnion. One of the best observations for War Hawks wasthe fact that many people defected from the SovietUnion because of the lack of freedom and Democracy. We where frequently told, no nation is freer thanAmerica. That this is the land of opportunity whereyou could be anything you dreamed becoming. (Which of,course was a lie.) That Human Rights abuses in theSoviet Union where so high, that the KGB would nabanyone off the Street and that person would never beseen again. Give us your Poor, your Cold, and your Hungry it says on the base of the Statue of Liberty.Yes, In America you can say and do the things youwant, and millions of Soviet Block citizens want to the west. The Stories of life under StalinistCommunism was told everyday and we should feel greatful that we where born here because people in the Soviet Block want our freedoms. These defectors where embraced as heroes.Looking a free country to live in.Examining Mexico I see hypocrisy in the Cold War mentality. The Mexicans live pretty much as the old Soviet Citizens did. The citizens fear the Federalies(Police)Mexican can be arrested and sent to jail of any reasonand not see there way out for years no matter theinfraction. Working in Mexican factories, people are forced to work 70 hour a week for low wages. Physical and mental abuse in factories are regular occurrence.One women stated that she didn’t even know who herUnion was or how they represented the people. On an Occasion, one woman did complain to her Union and the next day The Union and Federalies put out a warrant for her arrest. At one point the Chiapa’s Indian tribe in Mexico stood up for their rights and the Government mowed them down. In 1994, Chiapas was involved in a civil war or revolution that lasted only 11 days, the two sidesi nvolved being the Mexican Government and theZapatista Army of National Liberation (the EZLN orZapatistas). Nowadays the EZLN (Ejército Zapatista deLiberación Nacional, named in honour of EmilianoZapata) have rejected the use of force and seek to berecognized as a voice of the disenfranchised. Thereare currently 32 "rebel autonomous zapatistamunicipalities" (independent Zapatista communities,MAREZ in Spanish). And yet with Internationally knownhuman rights abuses, the Clinton Administration stillratifies NAFTA.The enws media frequently, now points to China’s Humanrights abuses as a Communist Country. Amazing how thesame exact huiman rights abuses takes place in Mexico.Looking back at the USA and its Right Wing Citizens,on could easily see the Hypocracy. Those onceembracing the Defectors of the Soviet Union, are thesame people who want fences and walls up between theUS Mexican Boarder. Don’t Meixcans want freedom, liberty, and democracy? Isn’t the United State champions of such said values? Of Course not. The CIA had helped the very oppressive Dictortator of Chile,Pinochet in Office. Then when the Democratic Socialist Manning Government of Jamaica was out of Office, the Conservative Party in Jamaica made special deals in which many where Carrying M16 riffles the next year. And look at the mess made in Iran and Afghanistan. NAFTA isn’t working in Mexico either.It seems that the Libertarian Earnesto Zadillo and Carlos Salinas governments in the 1990’s brought Mexico to such an economic collapse, that the Mexicans are worse off now financially tha any time in History. Most Mexicans would rather be home, and a lot ofAmericans are picking up cheap Real Estate in Mexico.Where does Freedom, Liberty, Democracy play into thelives of these immigrants?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What Our Plans Should Be

We should dvocate the Abolishment of the Patriot Act • Opposes all warrentless searches as authorized by the new FISA Act• Advocate holding all telecommunications Companies liable for allowing U.S. Government to eavesdrop on Americans • Opposes domestic spying of antiwar groups and American citizens• Opposes waterboarding and any form of prisoner abuse and torture • Opposes the deprivation of legal and constitutional rights and freedoms American citizens and foreign prisoners• Opposes the threat to any and all free speech and lawful dissent in our country
Clear Stand on Important Issues:
1) Stop The War in Iraq and Afghanistan and bring the American troops and reconstruction companies home immediately;
2) Implement a national health care system to include comprehensive health, dental and mental health care for all residents, foreign and domestic.
3) Initiate a guaranteed income for all American families, working or not, at a level of $35,000 per year per adult (2008 Cost of Living levels)
4) Nationalize Oil Industry, Pharmaceutical Industry, Banking and Insurance Industry, Railroad and Automotive Industries, and Entertainment and Sports Industries
5) Phase out all nuclear power plants, shut down waste incinerators, landfills and open-pit mining.
6) Call for unconditional disarmament by the U.S.
7) End U.S. Cuban Embargo and the occupation of Guantanamo, Cuba, and return entire U.S. property to the country of Cuba
8) Call for immediate 50% cut in the military budget, with additional 50% over the next 10 years;
9) Call for treaty outlawing all weapons of mass destruction
10) Abolish CIA, NSA, Homeland Security Agency and all other covert warfare institutions
11) End Israeli occupation of West Bank-East Jerusalem/Gaza; cease all U.S. aid to Israel---as precondition for peace.
12) Disband NATO
13) Cut off all U.S. military aid to Colombia
14) Close all U.S. military facilities that train foreign military and paramilitary personnel.
15) Initiate Worldwide war on poverty and global illnesses, especially in third and fourth world countries;
16) Establish Public ownership and democratic control of all natural resources to preserve wilderness areas and restore environmental quality.
17) Support Kyoto Protocol and lead in controlling global warming and cleaning up of toxic wastes, protect workers and communities from all harmful products
18) Cap and reduce corporate profits and excessive executive salary levels while fostering transfer of corporate ownership and control to workers.
19) Mandate right of employees for access to chose labor union representation to assure fair salaries and benefits.
20) Implement a national housing plan for all Americans
21) Legislate a 30 hour work week, six weeks annual paid vacation and a full pension
22) Provide equal rights to all immigrants; recognize their presence due to unfair U.S. economic policies, war, famine, or bad working conditions
23) Opposes Capital punishment
24) Cease construction of all new prisons nationwide; institute full range of rights and rehabilitation for prisoners;
25) Conduct Massive Rebuilding of United States infrastructure of bridges, railroad lines, major highways and subway systems and rural communities.
26) Reinforce and enhance government and private support of the arts, sports and culture.
27) Assure equal rights of all citizens, in gender, race, age, sexual preference or religion. Eliminate special privileges for all interest groups.
28) Stop America's participation in NAFTA, CAFTA, WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION, WORLD BANK, IMF, etc.
29) Stop the gauging and rip-offs of consumers by legislating limits and caps for costs in services and products in the market place.
30) Abolish poverty in all its forms in America by assuring every American family with the basics in income, health and housing.
31) Promote a more equitable society by enhancing citizens rights and participatory control
32) During transition to full worker control, require private sector to implement a fairer economic system of consumer costs, profit-margins and regulation of services and products.
33) Reduce Defense spending significantly in the areas of high tech and military equipment and weaponry while enhancing protections and benefits for the common soldier.
34) Promote universal access to education on the college and vocational school level. Promote liberal arts, along with engineering and science, in colleges and universities. Remove the influence of corporate and military entities on our higher institutes of learning.
35) Promote a multi-party system, fair access to debates, universal ballot access, proportional representation and public funding of all elections.
36) Support a woman's right to choose in matters of abortion; and oppose all restrictions on access to abortion.
In additon end U.S. arms sales in world.2) pay off U.S. debts to UN3) advocate constitutional amendment requiring binding vote of people on all issues of war or military intervention.4) support right of soldiers to form unions
LABOR:1) support right of workers to form a union anywhere2) support right to strike3) recognize union based on cards signed4) all workers have a right to collective bargaining5) repeal of the Hatch Act and Taft-Hartley Act, landrum-griffin Act and "right-to-work" laws.6) same benefits for full and part-time workers7) stop using union funds for electing candidates from the Democratic and Republican parties.8) give sanctuary to illegal immigrants in the U.S., full social services and impact immigration influx not with walls or guns or threats of imprisonment, but with fairer policies toward all other countries to enable their economies to thrive and expand as well.
HUMAN NEEDS:1) support arts and culture, universal education 2) right of all people to high quality, low cost housing3) public transportation in urban and rural area such as rail systems, foot and bicycle paths, pedestrian ways, renewable fuels and control of the airline industry
ECONOMICS:1) Supports minimum wage of $15 per hour (COL, 2008)2) re-regulate banking and insurance industries; and all financial and insurance institutions to be socially owned and operated by a democratically controlled national banking authority3) call for a steeply graduated income tax and estate tax, and a maximum income of no more than 10 times minimum.4) cancel 3rd world debt5) expand welfare assistance and unemployment compensation 6) support massive federal investment in urban and rural infrastructure reconstruction and economic development, and more
ENVIRONMENT:1) support large-scale environmental restoration efforts.
ENERGY:1) develop alternative energy sources including solar, geothermal, wind, hydropower, and biomass to end dependency on fossil fuels.2) ensure all people have access to utility services3) mandatory encapsulation of all spent nuclear fuel, etc. and ban on all nuclear materials
AGRICULTURE:1) support system of ecologically based, sustainable, organic agriculture based on family farms and farming cooperatives guaranteeing full workers' rights, etc. See platform.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Euro Socialism: A View

Socialist Parties in Europe are in turmoil. Why? Because they seem to have the problem of divorcing themselves from an existent Capitalist system.
Capitalism largely doesn’t work. It does on minor level when people start small businesses, or even organic pasta factories.
In Europe even the small businessman have a picture of Che in their pizzeria. Here in America, the local Republican Politician.
In America people are elite minded. In Europe people are Social minded.
The Socialist Parties and Social Democrats have done a more successful job the any other form of Socialism. Why?
Lets look at the Nordic countries. And even Italy. When I went Sardinia, the streets are named after famous Italian Socialists. The Un-socialist thing about Sardinia is poverty and joblessness.
The major problem of the failure of Socialist International Parties is that they lean toward Euro Liberalism. Party leaders cannot even relate to workers and apply elitist values close to conservatives. But many bottom rank and file members are the true radicals. They are the ones fighting the true revolution.
Even now the Party of European Socialist are concerned with initating a more Social Europe. Since the Social Democratic Socialist Parties of Europe are electable, they are the ones delivering the goods. But in very shallow terms. Scandinavian Socialism is the only Socialism that works. They are the happiest countries in the world.
The adoption of Third Way ideology by many social democrats has proved divisive within the broader social democratic community. Traditional social democrats argue that Third Way ideology has caused the movement to become too centrist, and even that the movement may be becoming center-right. In general, apparent reversals in policy have encountered significant opposition among party members and core voters; many of the latter have claimed that their leaders have betrayed the principles of social democracy.
So there are Social Democrats who are Socialists and Socials Democrats who are Euro Liberals.
The Major problems with Euro Socialists, they are suck in a Capitalist mode. Conservatives and Right Euro Liberals have made it impossible for Socialists to maneuver. American Socialists blame The Greek, Spanish, and Portuguese Socialists for austerity and other problems. Socialist inherit horrible government policies from conservatives and Euro Liberals than get blamed for these horrible policies.

The failure of the American Left. In Europe they can at least fashion Coalition Parties, In America Socialist are also political isolationists.
Socialist in America do not practice the democracy they preach. They expel members for free thought, and compromise the liberty and freedom of members who disagree or function on their own. This a is especially done with a Trotsky mentality.
American Socialists blame Lula DeSilva and Bernie Sanders for compromising. Sad to say, that is also what politics is about, unless there is a clear majority. Sanders is the only Socialist in Congress. Lula and even Evo Morales is stuck with their conservative fringes.
Democracy from the top isn’t Democracy, Democratic Centralism isn’t Democracy, it is a form of control. It is a mafia type system where the powerful rule.
Most American Socialists are ignorant of other peoples culture and societies. Not realizing even if people are Socialists in their country they still will not have American Socialist values, nor should they. Even many feminists are not about Liberation. Many are petty despots. (I am a Barbara Ehrenriech feminist.) They studying SOCIAL ANTHOPOLOGY.
Although I appreciate Communism, it has a difficult time in the United States. But one of my heroes is a Communist.

I am a Communist Bastard Sometimes:

Enrico Berlinguer (Italian pronunciation: [berliŋˈɡwɛr]) (25 May 1922 – 11 June 1984) was an Italian politician; he was national secretary of the Italian Communist Party (Partito Comunista Italiano or PCI) from 1972 until his death.
On an internal side, Berlinguer's last major statement was a call for the solidarity among the leftist parties. In June 1984 Berlinguer suddenly left the stage during a speech at public meeting in Padua: he had suffered a brain hemorrhage, and died three days later. More than a million citizens attended his funeral, one of the biggest in Italy's history.
[Enrico Berlinguer has been defined in many ways, but he was generally recognised for political coherence and a certain courage, together with a rare personal and political intelligence. A serious man, he was sincerely respected even by his opponents, and his three days' agony was followed with great attention by the general population. His funeral was followed by a large number of people, perhaps among the highest ever seen in Rome.
The funerals of Enrico Berlinguer produced probably the largest crowds ever to gather in Rome; here they are shown making the clenched fist, symbol of the Communist and leftist movements
The most important political act of his career in the PCI was undoubtedly the dramatic break with Soviet Communism, the so-called strappo, together with the creation of Euro-communism, and his substantial work towards contact with the moderate (and particularly the catholic) half of the country.

(Some Items extricated from Wikipedia.)

Right now as a Euro Socialist I am supporter of the PES and Socialisti Italiano.

“I am a Socialist because I believe that Socialism and Democracy are the only Political Ideologies that allow people to be completely Human.”
Tino Rozzo

“True Socialism is something that must be Evolved into”
Eugene V Debs

Dedicated too Chegetz, Mike Marino, Vito Anthony Marcantonio
Vitov Valdez Munoz (Candidate ALP), Buyana Badrakh (Mongolian Socialist)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Free Market Capitalism

. I keep hearing only Free Market Capitalism will save us.
Free-market capitalism has come to dominate our economic thinking. It has even led to the mistaken view that there is no other variety of capitalism than the free-market kind. Capitalism is the view that a nation’s economy, for the most part, is better left in private hands rather than being centrally planned by government. In this respect it differs from political and economic systems.

There is no such thing as free-market capitalism . The government championship of free markets make exceptions for patents, and copyrights, which constitute government regulations that favor publishing companies and pharmaceutical companies.
DNA and Seed genes can belong to companies who can ruin our lives if we use them. Seeds farmers have had free and used for 600 years in America are now owned by private companies.

With labor exploitation, poverty, industrial pollution and the lack of compassionate efforts, capitalism has a history of destruction. Sure one could argue the entrepreneurial value and goods for services and jobs. But these can be had by alternative economies.

There is also further empirical evidence to show that even when individuals act selfishly from perfect economic freedom they rarely enhance the good of others, or even themselves. One such bit of evidence is known as “the tragedy of the commons.”

“The race to the bottom,”, whereas the optimal outcome for each individual is not to cooperate while others do cooperate. An example is tax competition among nations. Each nation may benefit from having a high tax on corporate profits to promote income equality. But nations can benefit individually with a lower corporate tax rate to attract business from other nations. This hurts all but the one that lowered the tax rate. To be competitive, each of the other nations would have to lower its tax rate, thereby “racing to the bottom” with a result less favorable in promoting income equality and the good of all.
The poverty rate in the world is 90%.

Universal Health Care and other social programs have a evidence that they do work and are beneficial to society. With our current Corporateocracy our futures maybe hopeless.
Wit such a record of destruction, it is difficult to see how Free Market Capitalism will save us. Is this a Utopian pipe dream? Of course.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Socialist Soteasan: Chung Bin Park

Chung-bin Park also known as Soteasan - One of his mottos was:- As material civilization develops, cultivate spiritual civilization accordingly. Born in 1891 he attained Enlightenment (nirvana) in 1916 after twenty years of struggle. Object of worship is the Ill-Won-sang or perfect circle which represents the Dharmakaya Buddha. No Buddha statues. Doctrine based on Three Principles - Cultivation of spiritual stability, study of Facts and Principles, Selection of Right Conduct as well as cultivation of the four graces of Heaven and earth, Parents, Brethren and the Law. Also emphasises the practice of Son - meditation at all times. Aims to build towards United Religions (U.R) and the Asian Conference on Religion and Peace.
I can easily claim, He was definitely a Socialist.
Under Japanese occupation, he was arrested many times. Yet he even won over some Japanese followers. He stated not even alienating people who where oppressors because they where human also and could change for the better. His message was about peace and harmony amongst all people.
"If I where to have Children in many Parts of the world, and they where of different races, I would love them all the same because they are all part of me. As the human race is part of one original source."The worldwide Buddhist community, as an humane whole, transcends divisions prevalent in society today. Social and economic development efforts are undertaken by Buddhists everywhere, International Buddhist wish to foster a new world, transcending race and religions. To bring a consciousness to society in the Global Village.Buddhist feel social and economic development generally take the form of progressive reformist and revolutionary initiatives carried out by Co-operative groups of people in the Cities and Rural areas in which they live. As these initiatives evolve, some grow into more sustantial programs with permanent administrative structures. Buddhist encourage both frugal and cost effectiveness. Changing society from one of wastefulness, to one that takes care of the Earth and Communities.At the heart of all Buddhist development takes recognition of a deep and inseparable connection between the practical and spiritual aspects of daily life. Creating a desire for social change and instilling confidence that it can be achieved must ultimately come from an awakening of the human spirit. Cultivating the spiritual and humane roots of human motivation provides the essential impulse that ensures genuine social advancement.Workers in the development field have increasingly come to understand that the creation and diffusion of knowledge lie at the heart of social progress. Buddhist social and economic development is therefore focused on increasing the capacity of individuals, communities, and institutions to take concrete steps that foster Enlightenment and material well-being. This process of capacity building involves a global enterprise of Education in which Buddhists from virtually every cultural and ethnic background work to apply the methods of science and the moral and spiritual insights found in the the Buddhist teachings to their particular local conditions. It is a Karmic Process in which every local communities gradually improve their ability to define, analyze, and meet the needs of the community. From the Buddhist point of view the set of efforts necessary for building up the social, economic, and moral fabric of life must draw upon the resources of both the mind and the heart. By fully integrating spiritual principles into community development activities, ideas, values, and practical measures emerge that promote self-reliance and safeguard human dignity. In this way, patterns of dependency are avoided and conditions of inequality are progressively eliminated.Won Buddhism has a view of world peace which spiritual. WON BUDDHIST PROPOSALS FOR WORLD PEACE: Won Buddhism nor Buddhism in general, is not confined to one nation or one race. Won Buddhism goals to go beyond any boundaries or obstructions. The founder of Won Buddhism advocates and claims that all religions meet at the thought of lrwonism because the final goal of religions is one and the same. Morality(The Morality based on the Three Principles of Identity). The First Principle of Identity, "All Doctrines Have the Same Origin," suggests that each religion should expand beyond its own boundaries to open up to other religions, since all religions share one Truth and the same goal. The Second Principle of Identity, "All Living Beings Are Related by the Same Force (of Life)," suggests that the human race ought to live as brothers, free from fighting or resentment, since all human beings are of one family. The Third Principle of Identity, "All Enterprises Are for the Same Purpose', suggests that all human enterprises and assertions need to cooperate with each other, rather than rejecting one another, in order to construct a better world on earth. Chongsan's spirit of Samdong Morality is succeeded by Taesan's proposals for world peace, namely, cultivation of the mind-field, development of a worldwide market and the united religions movement "Cultivation of the Mind-field" purposes to foster the strength of mind, which can then make good use of scientific and technological advancement. Otherwise, human beings become enslaved to materialism and degenerate due to the influence of advanced science and technology. Development of a Worldwide Market" purposes to promote international cooperation without confinement to national or racial interests, so the all human beings are equally provided with affluent material conditions in clothing, food, and shelter for their physical needs. The United Religions Movement" purposes to free the individual from one's own religious egotism and boundaries, and to fulfill the original mission of religion. In furtherance of the goal of religious cooperation, the Won Buddhist community proposes to establish an institutionalized organization for world religions comparable to, and on parallel with, the United Nations organization. The Won Buddhist community will take the lead in removing the boundaries and barriers of the past, and creating one global family on earth, in tandem with other religious communities.For further readings The Kyojon and Tea Kyojon are on line. Won Buddhist Teachings. I recommend To Tuk: The Path of Humanity. In the Second Book. Read his examples.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Happiness Economics

A variety of measures of national income and output are used ineconomics to estimate total economic activity in a Nation , including gross domestic product (GDP), gross national product (GNP), and net national income (NNI). All are specially concerned with counting the total amount of goods and services produced within some economics measure. It incures one's own personal use, or for one's family, is largely left out of these measures, although some attempts are made to include some of those kinds of production by imputing monetary values.national accounts, of which these figures are a part, this began in the 1930s, in the United States and many European countries. The impetus for that major statistical effort was the Great Depression and the rise of Keynsian economics, which addresses a greater role for the government in managing an economy, and made it necessary for governments to obtain accurate information so that their interventions into the economy could proceed as much as possible on the basis of fact.quality of life or social progress in more holistic and psychological terms than GNP or GDP. As a chief economic indicator, GDP has numerous flaws long known to economists. GDP measures the amount of commerce in a nation, but counts remedial and defensive expenditures (such as the costs of security, police, pollution clean up, etc.) as positive contributions to commerce. A better measure of economic well-being would deduct such costs, and add in other non-market benefits (such as volunteer work, unpaid domestic work, and un-priced ecosystem services) in arriving at an indicator of well-being. As economic development on the planet approaches or surpasses the limits of ecosystems to provide resources and absorb human effluents, calling into question the ability of the planet to continue to support civilization (per the arguments of Jared Diamond, among others), many people have called for getting "Beyond GDP" (the title of a recent EU conference) in order to measure progress not as the mere increase in commercial transitions, nor as an increase in specifically economic well-being, but as an increase in general well-being as people themselves subjectively report it. GNH is a strong contributor to this movement to discard measurements of commercial transactions as a key indicator and to instead directly assess changes in the social and psychological well-being of populations.Bhutan's former King Jigme Singye Wangchuck, who has opened up Bhutan to the age of modernization, He used the phrase to the commitment to building an economy that would serve Bhutan's unique culture based on Buddhist spiritual values. At first offered as a casual concept was taken seriously, as the Center for Bhutan Studies, under the leadership of Kaarma Uru, developed a sophisticated survey instrument to measure the population's general level of well-being. The Canadian health epidemiologist Michael Pennock had a major role in the design of the instrument, and uses (what he calls) a "de-Bhutanized" version of the survey in his work in Victoria, British Columbia.quality of life by combining economists' and psychologists' techniques. It relies on more expansive notions of utility than does conventional economics. Although its usefulness is yet to be determined, it has become a subject of interest and often a measure of comparison with the traditional forms of measuring market health such as GDP and GNP. This field of studies is also called " The economy of happiness.”Easterlin paradox and may result from a "hedonic treadmill." This means that aspirations increase with income; after basic needs are met, relative rather than absolute income levels influence well-being. Happiness economists hope to change the way governments view well-being and how to most effectively govern and allocate resources given this paradox. However, other research suggests that no paradox exists, and happiness is linearly related to the logarithm of absolute (real, PPP-adjusted) income, with little or no relative income. this would be augmented by a Livable, Quality Universal Income.

As can be imagined, arriving at a figure for the total production of goods and services in a large region like a nation entails an enormous amount of data-collection and calculation. Although some attempts were made to estimate national incomes as long ago as the 17th century, the systematic keeping of

In order to count a good or service it is necessary to assign some value to it. The value that all of the measures discussed here assign to a good or service is its market value – the price it incures when bought or sold. No attempt is made to estimate the actual usefulness of a product – its use-value – assuming that to be any different from its market value.

Gross Happiness

The concept of gross national happiness (GNH) was developed in an attempt to define an indicator that measures

The term was coined in 1972 by

Happiness economics

The goal of happiness economics is to determine from what source people derive their well-being. Historically, economists have said that well-being is a simple function of income. However, it has been found that once wealth reaches a subsistence level, its effectiveness as a generator of well-being is greatly diminished. This paradox has been referred to as the

The national income of a nation is an estimate of the yearly production of goods and services. The loss of possible uses of the non-human made physical surroundings, named environmental functions, on which humanity is dependent in all its doings remains outside the estimate. Also the present and future production is dependent on these environmental functions. The sustainable national income (SNI) in a given year is an estimate of the production level at which - with the technology in the year of calculation - environmental functions remain available ‘for ever’.

Sustainable National Income

The sustainable national income (SNI) in a certain year is defined as the maximum attainable production level whereby, with the available technology in the year of calculation, vital environmental functions remain available ‘for ever’. The production level in the same year that is registered in the standard national income (NI) does not meet this condition. Environmental functions and their preservation after all fall outside the NI. The NI is therefore always higher than the SNI. The difference gives information about the distance between the present production level and the production level in a sustainable situation. If the distance decreases then we are on the road to environmental sustainability, the part of the production that is based on unsustainable use of the environment decreases. If the distance increases then we are drifting further away from sustainability.

Transition to environmental sustainability

With the present ecological and sustainable technology, population size as well as production and consumption patterns, the sustainable situation Capitalist governments ignore or put off. Although achieving environmental sustainability will require a long period of time. A Transition path to a sustainable situation is only limited by the condition that vital environmental functions must not be irreparably damaged. But must be scenically repaired. In view of the threat that this may happen it seems urgent to wait no longer with a change of course in the direction of

Universal Income Happiness:

A livable Quality Universal Income would achieve better than what is propose by most. The Basic Income, left Basic would impeded happiness.

In Portugal there are complaints of being supported on the basics, yet there is no quality of life. People feel they are merely existing.

Just providing people with basics cheats them out of happiness, achievement, and pursuit of better quality of life. The Basic Earth Universal Network must consider this. A quality income and quality life for all.

For Barbara La Rue

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Capitalism and Mental Illness

In the United States we have an unfortunate knack of differentiating work/labor and our politics. Or, more specifically, of treating our work practice as if it were essentially not related to politics. This is, of course, an illusion. All work/labor is political. All mental health assessments and interventions are political.

In life after capitalism, mental health institutions will no longer be organized according to the models promoted by slave labor, sociological abuse, poverty. This is promoted and dictated by social control imperatives and corporate profit motives. Instead, the institutional goal Socialism will be to facilitate the fullest development of the potentials of each and every individual, consistent with his or her physical and mental capabilities. Rather than viewing people as objects to be manipulated and controlled for the benefit of capital. The resistance toward empowerment, National Health Care, Universal Income, environment . Workers rights, human rights and dignities, stress and abuse, has engulfed the world in flames of agony.

With developing the Social notions of democratic Socialism as in the Scandinavian Countries, , a post-capitalist social system will inaugurate other transformations in the way that people are treated as human beings.

We must engage in empowerment practice. Empowerment practice involves ways of thinking and acting that acknowledge, support and amplify people’s own participation and influence in the decisions that affect their lives.

Abuse, exploitation, stress, fatigue, overwork, slums life, rural poverty life, workplace abuse all cause depression, stress, anxiety, and violence. Also, broken homes,

An average 23 percent of Americans, Britons, Australians, New Zealanders and Canadians suffered in the last 12 months, but only 11.5 percent of Germans, Italians, French, Belgians, Spaniards and Dutch.
The message could not be clearer. Capitalism is extremely bad for for our mental health.
Capitalism stokes up relative materialism: unrealistic aspirations and the expectation that they can be fulfilled.
It does so to stimulate consumerism in order to increase profits.

individuals or groups to use persistent aggressive or unreasonable behavior against a co-worker or subordinate. Workplace exploitation can include such tactics as verbal, nonverbal, psychological , physical abuse and humiliation. This type of aggression is particularly difficult because unlike the typical forms of exploitation workplace abusers often operate within the protection of the government and policies of their entreprises and their society. Exploitation in the workplace is in the majority of cases reported as having been perpetrated by management and takes a many of forms .
Unfairly treated
Public humiliation(s)
Regularly threatened with dismissal
Any form of undermining behavior
Taking credit for work that another has done
Unfairly passed over for promotion or denied training opportunities
Being quick to criticize and slow to praise
Character assassination
Spreading malicious rumors
Smear campaigns
Social ostracism
Physical assault

The conflicts that arise in workplaces may be shaped by the unique aspects of this environment, including the long hours many people spend at their workplace, the hierarchical structure of the Corporations, and the difficulties’
It’s a primary contributor to many risk factors that can affect brain development. While all children are vulnerable to things like inadequate nutrition, substance abuse, maternal depression, exposure to environmental toxins, trauma, abuse and poor quality daily care, a disproportionate number of people in low-income families face multiple risk factors, often several of them simultaneously

Our brains learn very early how to cope with the environment to which we are exposed, sometimes with harmful results. (e.g Going Postal, robberies, muggings, gang warfare, etc)

This change must take place at an individual level, in families, in child care facilities and schools, through socialized communities in local and state government.
If we want our children to be successful, the adults in their lives, to identify where change is needed, and to work together to bring about improvements. For this vision to become reality for all people, we must develop strategies to eliminate poverty for young all such as the Universal Income, sustainable livable communities, and community work. We must create programs and services that can improve the life chances for all already in poverty.

Everyone must have empowerment, equal opportunity, and and a life worth living. With the current system this is impossible.

For Buyanzaya Koubry