What is Democratic Socialism?
It is a Economic and Political system based in fairness and equity. It advocate Public Ownership as in Municipal and State Governments by the people. It forms a radical democracy placing peoples lives in their own hands through democratically controlled institutions, such as banks, utility, businesses, and co-operatives. Democratic Socialism is synonymous with Democracy.
What does a Democratic Socialist Party do?
It brings social and economic justice into our lives. It combats poverty, worker exploitation. It also improves the quality of life in society fostering a better world too live through social programs and public initiatives which improves the quality of life. These include Sustainable and livable communities, Public enterprise, alternative energies, green planning. It denies corporate welfare, socialism for the rich, rich people perks and abatement.
Is a Socialist Party a multi tendency Party?
Yes, but that doesn’t mean we accept Trotskyites and Communists. And we can work with Democrats, Greens, and other Socialist who are on this same page. We will not compromise our fight against Capitalism and we have visions and ideas that come from us and others who’s ideas are sound and for the people.
Te American Labor Party is in Favor of The Socialist International!
We agree that the Socialist International membership has had massive failures. But they have also had massive successes. Like free education, free health care, improving the quality of life. Workers rights and other programs. Amongst the Happiest Countries in the world the top 7 all have had Socialist and Labor Parties. We would like to change the third way and neo-liberal values. We believe we can be an asset.
Why a Labor Party?
Because Labor is how we survive. We have a multitude of issues to fight for, but first and foremost, We are about Labor and Anti Poverty. Once we solve those issues our new Revolution can be successful. We are no Different from our USA forefathers in a fight for Freedom and Democracy. Even George Washing ton thought we should have a Revolution every 200 years to rebuild our Democracy and fight off Imperialistic governments.
What will we do?
We will fight for the freedom and liberty of people who agree with us and some who do not. We believe people should freedom in their lives and electorate, and the USA should be a true Democracy in every sense of the word. We believe in a Social Democracy, economic democracy, and human rights, and a better world.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Socialist International
The Second International, which was formed in 1889 and dissolved on the eve of World War I in 1914 and the Labour and Socialist International which dissolved itself in 1940 with the rise of Nazism and the start of World War II, constituted some of the same parties that would later form the Socialist International.While the Second International was split by the outbreak of World War a skeleton form survived through the International Socialist Commission. The International re-formed in 1923 (as the Labor and Socialist International), and was reconstituted again, in its present form, after World War II (during which many social democratic and socialist parties had been suppressed in Nazi-occupied Europe).During the post-World War II period, the SI aided social democratic parties in re-establishing themselves when dictatorship gave way to democracy in Portugal (1974) and Spain (1975). Until its 1976 Geneva Congress, the Socialist International had few members outside Europe and no formal involvement with Latin America. In the 1980s, most SI parties gave their backing to the Nicaraguan Sandinistas (FSLN), whose left-wing government had incited enmity from the United States.Since then, the SI has admitted as member-parties not only the FSLN but also the centre-left Puerto Rican Independence Party, as well as the ex-Communist parties such as the Italian Democrats of the Left (Democratici di Sinistra (DS)) and the Front for the Liberation of Mozambique (FRELIMO).The Party of European Socialists, a European political party active in the European Parliament, is an associated organization of the Socialist International.
The SI itself is still a top shelf organization of the global left. They officially support the various anti-capitalist movements around the world. The SI calls for the international abolition of the death penalty. The SI favors every country adopting some kind of Ecological policies. They also favor canceling debts in many of the 3rd world nations. It is importantly to remember that the SI opposed the US led action of war on Iraq . Virtually every SI member party opposed the war.
The SI took a stand against apartheid In South Africa supporting Mandella. Being a champion in international human rights. In Jamaica Prime Minster Stanley took a stand against US pressure. The US gave the (socialist) People’s National Party government a hard time for Jamaica trying to get rid of poverty and having the nerve to embrace Cuba. In a Conservative government, the Jamaican begin toting M16 military riffles.
The Socialist Party of Allenede came back to power several years ago which is a adamant rejection of Augusto Pinochet’s fascist reign of terror and human rights abuses which lasted from 1973 until 1990. After the CIA backed overthrow of democratically elected Salvatore Allende.The Movement toward Socialism organization in Venezuela is an observer status member of the SI. The MTS supports the justice and reforms of Hugo Chavez. Unfortunately, the Bush Administration has to destroy the Socialist government of Venezuela. The USA’s northern neighbor, Canada. The New Democratic Party did fairly well. They picked up 5 seats in the House of Commons from 14 to 19. electorate.
The Socialist Party of America had had enormous success in Milwaukee when it was an SI party member. No since the early 1900′s has the USA had a real significant Socialist Party. That is Where the American Labor Party and Socialist International step in. The ALP/ISO will seek entrance to the SI.
Dedicated and Inspred by Mel Little
The SI itself is still a top shelf organization of the global left. They officially support the various anti-capitalist movements around the world. The SI calls for the international abolition of the death penalty. The SI favors every country adopting some kind of Ecological policies. They also favor canceling debts in many of the 3rd world nations. It is importantly to remember that the SI opposed the US led action of war on Iraq . Virtually every SI member party opposed the war.
The SI took a stand against apartheid In South Africa supporting Mandella. Being a champion in international human rights. In Jamaica Prime Minster Stanley took a stand against US pressure. The US gave the (socialist) People’s National Party government a hard time for Jamaica trying to get rid of poverty and having the nerve to embrace Cuba. In a Conservative government, the Jamaican begin toting M16 military riffles.
The Socialist Party of Allenede came back to power several years ago which is a adamant rejection of Augusto Pinochet’s fascist reign of terror and human rights abuses which lasted from 1973 until 1990. After the CIA backed overthrow of democratically elected Salvatore Allende.The Movement toward Socialism organization in Venezuela is an observer status member of the SI. The MTS supports the justice and reforms of Hugo Chavez. Unfortunately, the Bush Administration has to destroy the Socialist government of Venezuela. The USA’s northern neighbor, Canada. The New Democratic Party did fairly well. They picked up 5 seats in the House of Commons from 14 to 19. electorate.
The Socialist Party of America had had enormous success in Milwaukee when it was an SI party member. No since the early 1900′s has the USA had a real significant Socialist Party. That is Where the American Labor Party and Socialist International step in. The ALP/ISO will seek entrance to the SI.
Dedicated and Inspred by Mel Little
“I am a Socialist because I am for humanity”
Eugene V Debs
“I am a Socialist because I believe that Socialism and Democracy are the only Political Ideologies that allow people to be completely Human.”
Tino Rozzo
Compiled from Various sources:
Democracy is a political form of government where governing power is derived from the people, either by direct referendum (direct democracy) or by means of elected representatives of the people (representative Democracy has taken a number of forms, both in theory and practice. The following kinds are not exclusive of one another: many specify details of aspects that are independent of one
Representative democracy involves the selection of government officials by the people being represented. If the head of state is also democratically elected then it is called a democratic republic. The most common mechanisms involve election of the candidate with a majority or a plurality of the votes.
Representatives may be elected or become diplomatic representatives by a particular district (or constituency), or represent the entire electorate proportionally proportional systems, with some using a combination of the two. Some representative democracies also incorporate elements of direct democracy, such as referendums. A characteristic of representative democracy is that while the representatives are elected by the people to act in their interest, they retain the freedom to exercise their own judgment as how best to do so.
Parliamentary democracy is a representative democracy where government is appointed by parliamentary representatives as opposed to a 'presidential rule' wherein the President is both head of state and the head of government and is elected by the voters. Under a parliamentary democracy, government is exercised by delegation to an executive ministry and subject to ongoing review, checks and balances by the legislative parliament elected by the people.
A Liberal democracy is a representative democracy in which the ability of the elected representatives to exercise decision-making power is subject to the rule of law, and usually moderated by a constitution that emphasizes the protection of the rights and freedoms of individuals, and which places constraints on the leaders and on the extent to which the will of the majority can be exercised against the rights of minorities (see civil liberties).
Direct democracy is a political system where the citizens participate in the decision-making personally, contrary to relying on intermediaries or representatives. The supporters of direct democracy argue that democracy is more than merely a procedural issue. A direct democracy gives the voting population the power to:
Change constitutional laws, Put forth initiatives, referenda and suggestions for laws,
Give binding orders to elective officials, such as revoking them before the end of their elected term, or initiating a lawsuit for breaking a campaign promise.
Of the three measures mentioned, most operate in developed democracies today. This is part of a gradual shift towards direct democracies. Examples of this include the extensive use of referenda in California with more than 20 million voters, and (i.e., voting).[ in Switzerland, where five million voters decide on national referenda and initiatives two to four times a year; direct democratic instruments are also well established at the cantonal and communal level. Vermont towns have been known for their yearly town meetings, held every March to decide on local issues. No direct democracy is in existence outside the framework of a different overarching form of government. Most direct democracies to date have been weak forms, relatively small communities, usually city-states. The world is yet to see a large, fundamental, working example of direct democracy as of yet, with most examples being small and weak forms.
A Par-polity or Participatory Polity is a theoretical form of democracy that is ruled by a Nested Council structure. The guiding philosophy is that people should have decision making power in proportion to how much they are affected by the decision. Local councils of 25-50 people are completely autonomous on issues that affect only them, and these councils send delegates to higher level councils who are again autonomous regarding issues that affect only the population affected by that council.
A council court of randomly chosen citizens serves as a check on the tyranny of the majority, and rules on which body gets to vote on which issue. Delegates can vote differently than their sending council might wish, but are mandated to communicate the wishes of their sending council. Delegates are recallable at any time. Referenda are possible at any time via votes of the majority of lower level councils, however, not everything is a referendum as this is most likely a waste of time. A par-polity is meant to work in tandem with a participatory economy
Socialist Democracy:
Contemporary social democracy:
A red rose is often used as a symbol of social democracy, mostly adopted in the period after World War II. The American Labor Party uses the rose, carnation, and cardinal.
The contemporary social democratic movement came into being through a break within the socialist movement in the early years of the twentieth century. Speaking broadly, this break can be described as a parting of ways between those who insisted upon political revolution as a precondition for the achievement of socialist goals and those who maintained that a gradual or evolutionary path to socialism was both possible and desirable. Many held a view of quite different objections to Marxism.
Social democracy should neither expect nor desire the imminent collapse of the existing economic system What social democracy should be doing, and doing for a long time to come, is organize the working class politically, train it for democracy, and fight for any and all reforms in the state which are designed to raise the working class and make the state more democratic." Eduard Bernstein[15
Social Democracy Economic Planning, Mixed Economy, Participatory planning Market economics, Market-oriented Mixed economy Regulated markets: Social Market, Mixed-Market, Welfare State State ownership or cooperative ownership of the means of production and heavy industry State ownership or cooperative ownership of the means of production Private ownership of the means of production with minimal public ownership of some industry State or public owns resources and major economic institutions, uses the surplus labor to fund government programs, state-directed investment State, public or worker cooperatives own resources and enterprises, uses them to fund government programs, sometimes with state-directed investment State mainly funded through progressive taxation, government regulates private business and provides welfare Socialist economics, Economic planning.
The main feature, All people have the right to freedom and liberty. They have divergent points if view free opinion and expression.
This also means free and unhindered elections, with all candidates represented from various political parties with free and open access to the ballot for freedom of choice. access
Democratic Socialism is a description used by various socialist movements and organizations, to emphasize the democratic character of their political orientation. The term is sometimes used synonymously with 'social democracy', but many self-identified democratic socialists oppose contemporary social democracy because it is based on the capitalist mode of production.
Democratic socialism is difficult to define, and groups of scholars have radically different definitions for the term. Some definitions simply refer to all forms of socialism that follow an electoral, reformist or evolutionary path to socialism, rather than a revolutionary one.] Often, this definition is invoked to distinguish democratic socialism from communism, as in Donald Busky's Democratic Socialism: A Global Survey], Jim Tomlinson's Democratic Socialism and Economic Policy: The Attlee Years, 1945-1951, Norman Thomas Democratic Socialism: a new appraisal or Roy Hattersley's Choose Freedom: The Future of Democratic Socialism.
In light, Capitalism must be eventually burned out, become the exception and not the norm. Nationalization and th end of Neo-liberal programs are the mission.
We reject Democratic Centralism and quasi Democracies. Only Democracy in its truest form
Dedicated to Don Busky-Red Pen. RIP.
Eugene V Debs
“I am a Socialist because I believe that Socialism and Democracy are the only Political Ideologies that allow people to be completely Human.”
Tino Rozzo
Compiled from Various sources:
Democracy is a political form of government where governing power is derived from the people, either by direct referendum (direct democracy) or by means of elected representatives of the people (representative Democracy has taken a number of forms, both in theory and practice. The following kinds are not exclusive of one another: many specify details of aspects that are independent of one
Representative democracy involves the selection of government officials by the people being represented. If the head of state is also democratically elected then it is called a democratic republic. The most common mechanisms involve election of the candidate with a majority or a plurality of the votes.
Representatives may be elected or become diplomatic representatives by a particular district (or constituency), or represent the entire electorate proportionally proportional systems, with some using a combination of the two. Some representative democracies also incorporate elements of direct democracy, such as referendums. A characteristic of representative democracy is that while the representatives are elected by the people to act in their interest, they retain the freedom to exercise their own judgment as how best to do so.
Parliamentary democracy is a representative democracy where government is appointed by parliamentary representatives as opposed to a 'presidential rule' wherein the President is both head of state and the head of government and is elected by the voters. Under a parliamentary democracy, government is exercised by delegation to an executive ministry and subject to ongoing review, checks and balances by the legislative parliament elected by the people.
A Liberal democracy is a representative democracy in which the ability of the elected representatives to exercise decision-making power is subject to the rule of law, and usually moderated by a constitution that emphasizes the protection of the rights and freedoms of individuals, and which places constraints on the leaders and on the extent to which the will of the majority can be exercised against the rights of minorities (see civil liberties).
Direct democracy is a political system where the citizens participate in the decision-making personally, contrary to relying on intermediaries or representatives. The supporters of direct democracy argue that democracy is more than merely a procedural issue. A direct democracy gives the voting population the power to:
Change constitutional laws, Put forth initiatives, referenda and suggestions for laws,
Give binding orders to elective officials, such as revoking them before the end of their elected term, or initiating a lawsuit for breaking a campaign promise.
Of the three measures mentioned, most operate in developed democracies today. This is part of a gradual shift towards direct democracies. Examples of this include the extensive use of referenda in California with more than 20 million voters, and (i.e., voting).[ in Switzerland, where five million voters decide on national referenda and initiatives two to four times a year; direct democratic instruments are also well established at the cantonal and communal level. Vermont towns have been known for their yearly town meetings, held every March to decide on local issues. No direct democracy is in existence outside the framework of a different overarching form of government. Most direct democracies to date have been weak forms, relatively small communities, usually city-states. The world is yet to see a large, fundamental, working example of direct democracy as of yet, with most examples being small and weak forms.
A Par-polity or Participatory Polity is a theoretical form of democracy that is ruled by a Nested Council structure. The guiding philosophy is that people should have decision making power in proportion to how much they are affected by the decision. Local councils of 25-50 people are completely autonomous on issues that affect only them, and these councils send delegates to higher level councils who are again autonomous regarding issues that affect only the population affected by that council.
A council court of randomly chosen citizens serves as a check on the tyranny of the majority, and rules on which body gets to vote on which issue. Delegates can vote differently than their sending council might wish, but are mandated to communicate the wishes of their sending council. Delegates are recallable at any time. Referenda are possible at any time via votes of the majority of lower level councils, however, not everything is a referendum as this is most likely a waste of time. A par-polity is meant to work in tandem with a participatory economy
Socialist Democracy:
Contemporary social democracy:
A red rose is often used as a symbol of social democracy, mostly adopted in the period after World War II. The American Labor Party uses the rose, carnation, and cardinal.
The contemporary social democratic movement came into being through a break within the socialist movement in the early years of the twentieth century. Speaking broadly, this break can be described as a parting of ways between those who insisted upon political revolution as a precondition for the achievement of socialist goals and those who maintained that a gradual or evolutionary path to socialism was both possible and desirable. Many held a view of quite different objections to Marxism.
Social democracy should neither expect nor desire the imminent collapse of the existing economic system What social democracy should be doing, and doing for a long time to come, is organize the working class politically, train it for democracy, and fight for any and all reforms in the state which are designed to raise the working class and make the state more democratic." Eduard Bernstein[15
Social Democracy Economic Planning, Mixed Economy, Participatory planning Market economics, Market-oriented Mixed economy Regulated markets: Social Market, Mixed-Market, Welfare State State ownership or cooperative ownership of the means of production and heavy industry State ownership or cooperative ownership of the means of production Private ownership of the means of production with minimal public ownership of some industry State or public owns resources and major economic institutions, uses the surplus labor to fund government programs, state-directed investment State, public or worker cooperatives own resources and enterprises, uses them to fund government programs, sometimes with state-directed investment State mainly funded through progressive taxation, government regulates private business and provides welfare Socialist economics, Economic planning.
The main feature, All people have the right to freedom and liberty. They have divergent points if view free opinion and expression.
This also means free and unhindered elections, with all candidates represented from various political parties with free and open access to the ballot for freedom of choice. access
Democratic Socialism is a description used by various socialist movements and organizations, to emphasize the democratic character of their political orientation. The term is sometimes used synonymously with 'social democracy', but many self-identified democratic socialists oppose contemporary social democracy because it is based on the capitalist mode of production.
Democratic socialism is difficult to define, and groups of scholars have radically different definitions for the term. Some definitions simply refer to all forms of socialism that follow an electoral, reformist or evolutionary path to socialism, rather than a revolutionary one.] Often, this definition is invoked to distinguish democratic socialism from communism, as in Donald Busky's Democratic Socialism: A Global Survey], Jim Tomlinson's Democratic Socialism and Economic Policy: The Attlee Years, 1945-1951, Norman Thomas Democratic Socialism: a new appraisal or Roy Hattersley's Choose Freedom: The Future of Democratic Socialism.
In light, Capitalism must be eventually burned out, become the exception and not the norm. Nationalization and th end of Neo-liberal programs are the mission.
We reject Democratic Centralism and quasi Democracies. Only Democracy in its truest form
Dedicated to Don Busky-Red Pen. RIP.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Democratic Socialism
Democratic Socialism advocates for real change. Our agenda has two sides. One for social change, and one for political change. The issue of Social change must be implemented and there must be allowance for it. Here in The USA, along with many communities, even in a global sense, A majority of people public policy that would Further the combat against poverty and social inequality. Many times the preferences of ordinary citizens Are ignored for the sake in demands of powerful elements such as groups, powerful investors, corporations, Major investors and the affluent. Those people do not mind the high degree of inequality. The remedies of societies problems are possible. But frequently fought off with right wing mythology which states. we will create more bureaucracies, smaller government, and Utopianism. The chief purpose of government is to pursue policies that benefit all citizens. Even Republican Abraham Lincoln supported the notion of a "Government For The People". These must include the fight against poverty and economic inequality. In fact these policies are efficient, effective, and freedom enhancing, rather than wasteful or freedom reducing. Social policy often meets Right Wing moral platitudes against those Who need assistance or are suffering and defines them as the undeserved and burden to society. I call for a Political system of Compassion and open mindedness, rather than one of disdain and ignorance. We need to address those who labor, as the are the most important segment of society, since work defines most peoples lives. No more should the worker, nor those who contribute to society have unjust laws against them and be made to suffer the consequences of oppression. Socialist Parties are about "Labor and The People. As many who know, New Zealand, Canada, and Scandinavia are Democratic Socialist States or have had them, they are not neutral. All socialists should are acquainted with being business-minded and union-minded. Opposing capitalism does not mean opposing business or trade; we are not advocates of returning the world to a regressive state, we are advocates of advancing the human condition. That requires knowing the terrain in which modern are fought on behalf of the worker and society for a truer Democracy. In Europe there are ten parties on the ballot-and voting is done on Saturday. It is also treated as a National Holiday. These Countries have a 98% voter turn out. Instead of the 40% we have here. The Mythology of stealing votes, and more parties are hurtful are the cries of the two party duopoly who wish to maintain power. We saw what a fiasco the two party system has been in the last Presidential election and throughout the years. In a real Democracy people have what is called FREEDOM OF CHOICE. In a Democratic society people have the right to exchange ideas and have free and open exchange ideologies, and make choices based upon them. Socialism wishes to transform society. The popular notions of economic development must pass. We have developed a materialistic society based on wasteful consumerism. That must change. We need to build a society that embraces a sustainable future. Many communities are recklessly being destroyed but rampant development. This Development has brought to many strip malls and not enough economic development which produce quality jobs. We need a sustainable future. One that balances our ecological needs with our financial needs. Our future must contain a greater degree of Cooperative Enterprise. We must develop and build Cooperatives so people can have quality jobs that also sustain our lives. Cooperatives are businesses own by Employees. They are run on a democratic basis and fulfill Economic and social needs. The advantages of Cooperatives are that they are Democratic, self sufficient, equal, give equity, Provide a living wage, and ecologically sound. There are many Cooperatives that can be developed. Worker owned Supermarkets, energy Companies, Phone Companies, Social Needs Coops, and more. Coops and Public enterpise should be developed in place of Welfare, because they can alleviate poverty, re-develop Communities, and sustain the natural environment. This would give people the ability to control there own work. Employees would have control of the means of production. It would also eliminate the mindless mind numbing jobs entrenched in Taylorism and Workfare Programs which pay slave wages. We need a welfare system that will give people freedom, and not manage poverty. We can change society so every person can live a happy fulfilling life. One of the best systems of Coop enterprise is the Mondragon system of Spain's Basque region. We have coops in America that provide inexpensive food, and where the first in product labeling and consumer consciousness is providing quality products. We need a better system of work environment. American Socialists advocate
1. Six weeks paid vacation.
2. National Health Care.
3. Social Programs that work.
4. A Living Wage.
5. Free Continued College and University.
6. Ecological Development
7 Labor Rights
8 Meaningful Jobs
By cutting back on Government Waste and Corporate welfare programs we could literally afford all of this For our nation and share with developing nations. Transforming our attitudes away from the coldness of today’ thinking, we could develop a society Where we develop more compassionate, charitable mentality. Where the national wealth is shared and we put a end to the torture of poverty .
Democratic Socialism is about prepetuating a better society.
1. Six weeks paid vacation.
2. National Health Care.
3. Social Programs that work.
4. A Living Wage.
5. Free Continued College and University.
6. Ecological Development
7 Labor Rights
8 Meaningful Jobs
By cutting back on Government Waste and Corporate welfare programs we could literally afford all of this For our nation and share with developing nations. Transforming our attitudes away from the coldness of today’ thinking, we could develop a society Where we develop more compassionate, charitable mentality. Where the national wealth is shared and we put a end to the torture of poverty .
Democratic Socialism is about prepetuating a better society.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Workers Democarcy
Workplace democracy is the application of democracy in all its forms (including voting systems, debates, democratic structuring, due process, adversarial process, systems of appeal, and so on) to the workplace.It usually involves or requires more use of lateral methods like arbitration when workplace disputes arise.Workplace democracy theory closely follows political democracy, especially where businesses are large or politics is small:movement, farm and retail co-operative movements, Democratic Employee Stock Option Plans all made contributions to the theory and practice of workplace democracy and often carried that into the political arena as a "more participatory democracy." The Socialist International Social Democrat, Socialist and Labor Parties should adopted this as one of their Main focuses. Workplace democracy norms such as co-leadership, deliberative democracy applied to any major decision, and leaders who don't do policy. The Democratic Socialist Parties have always supported the notion of work place democracy and democratically controlled institutions.In Sweden, the Social Democratic Party made laws and reforms 1950-70 to achieve more democratic workplaces. The unions right to balance the management and have some influential power was rather radical at that time, but still within the capitalistic society. ( which should be burned out)Politically, Salvador Allende inspired a large number of such experiments in Chile before his death on September 11, 1973. The book Brain of the Firm by Stafford Beer details experiments in workplace feedback that exploited systems theory extensively.Venezuela has instituted worker-run "co-management" initiatives in which workers' councils are the cornerstone of the management of a plant or factory. In experimental co-managed enterprises, such as the state-owned Alcasa factory, workers develop budgets and elect both managers and departmental delegates who work together with strategists on technical issues related to production.
Individual career development
Employee development, job enrichment, job rotation and entrance training can be arranged by the work team itself to suit its own schedule. Job sharing is also possible and desirable if a worker wants time off and another is in a position to do overtime, without the concern that this will set a precedent for management abuses or job losses.Training should not be for insiders or the well connected but should benefit the community.Succession planning is everyone's problem: senior management will be replaced by whoever is elected to replace them. There shall be no discrimination or class. All people will have the opportunity to have positions, entry positions, education, and leadership training. with out coming from and important family or special connections.
Organizational structure and management
Office politics in such an environment can be difficult: people might devote a lot of time to keeping their colleagues satisfied and supporting them socially and politically, and there is less surety of success. Success is much better through a co-operative system. Performance appraisals in particular are very sensitive, as it's conducted by peers. Meetings and meeting systems must generally be very efficient, and require strong models of chairmanship and sophisticated models of how to handle consent and dissent. Open-space meetings and other methods to define their agendas have been used by some organizations, notably political party and management consultant organizations. One example is the Living Agenda pioneered by Canadian political parties.There must be assurances that fellow workers will not abuse and protection instilled by quality control and Union Committees.Organizational culture should however be generally more accepting of organizational learning and peer review of performance.Performance improvement, self-assessment and coping with one's own Ability to adapt and mature. However, this is not to say those skills always apply in management: Peter principle applies if anything faster: people who are perceived as effective are elected to run things, which they promptly fail at. However, there is much more acceptance of returning to the shop as a worker if someone fails at management, which is much more difficult in organizations where there is a culture gap between managers and workers. This can be improved by education for competence and ability in a education system that doesn’t fail to provide the education needed.Also grievance and resolution can be applied. The better planned organization, the better the chances of success. There should be an avoidance of nepotism and the buddy system.
It may be easier in environments where consensus or consensus-seeking decision-making is already practiced for the most important decisions: who leads. Consensus democracy methods already exist to make very large scale decisions in social organizations.
As well as factories producing everything from textiles, ceramics, glass and rubber to food and refrigerators, the network also includes transportation companies, educational facilities and even hospitals. Most of them are headed up by men, but in some cases, the horizontal organizational structure has helped women move into leading roles.
One of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) adopted by the world's governments in 2000 is to promote gender equality and empower women. But in this case, the progress achieved by women is not a result of a government policy. On the contrary, it was the women themselves who took control of the abandoned factories and other businesses and got them back on their feet.
GrissinĂ³poli is a member of the National Movement of Factories Recovered by Workers, a collective of roughly 80 companies formed in the late 1990s to group together bankrupted businesses that had been abandoned by their owners, but not by their employees. These factories are now boss free and co-operative.
Everyone who sells their body for labor for a living are members of the working class. This includes most segments of society, workers who are self-employed as well as wage earners in the employment field. We are different in multitudes of ways but one thing we have in solidarity is that we are all members of the working class, we all depend on our work and that of our families. The real enemies of the working class are the capitalists - a small society that gets their income mainly from stocks, bonds, inheritances, and real estate. They control the political parties and the government with their wealth. These people make their money from birth right, not from work. The more profit they make, the more damage they do. The working class also does not include small employers and managers (petty despots) who control workers. Workers are 90% of the population. Although not all elements of Capitalism are bad, Capitalism should be the exception, no the norm.
Individual career development
Employee development, job enrichment, job rotation and entrance training can be arranged by the work team itself to suit its own schedule. Job sharing is also possible and desirable if a worker wants time off and another is in a position to do overtime, without the concern that this will set a precedent for management abuses or job losses.Training should not be for insiders or the well connected but should benefit the community.Succession planning is everyone's problem: senior management will be replaced by whoever is elected to replace them. There shall be no discrimination or class. All people will have the opportunity to have positions, entry positions, education, and leadership training. with out coming from and important family or special connections.
Organizational structure and management
Office politics in such an environment can be difficult: people might devote a lot of time to keeping their colleagues satisfied and supporting them socially and politically, and there is less surety of success. Success is much better through a co-operative system. Performance appraisals in particular are very sensitive, as it's conducted by peers. Meetings and meeting systems must generally be very efficient, and require strong models of chairmanship and sophisticated models of how to handle consent and dissent. Open-space meetings and other methods to define their agendas have been used by some organizations, notably political party and management consultant organizations. One example is the Living Agenda pioneered by Canadian political parties.There must be assurances that fellow workers will not abuse and protection instilled by quality control and Union Committees.Organizational culture should however be generally more accepting of organizational learning and peer review of performance.Performance improvement, self-assessment and coping with one's own Ability to adapt and mature. However, this is not to say those skills always apply in management: Peter principle applies if anything faster: people who are perceived as effective are elected to run things, which they promptly fail at. However, there is much more acceptance of returning to the shop as a worker if someone fails at management, which is much more difficult in organizations where there is a culture gap between managers and workers. This can be improved by education for competence and ability in a education system that doesn’t fail to provide the education needed.Also grievance and resolution can be applied. The better planned organization, the better the chances of success. There should be an avoidance of nepotism and the buddy system.
It may be easier in environments where consensus or consensus-seeking decision-making is already practiced for the most important decisions: who leads. Consensus democracy methods already exist to make very large scale decisions in social organizations.
As well as factories producing everything from textiles, ceramics, glass and rubber to food and refrigerators, the network also includes transportation companies, educational facilities and even hospitals. Most of them are headed up by men, but in some cases, the horizontal organizational structure has helped women move into leading roles.
One of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) adopted by the world's governments in 2000 is to promote gender equality and empower women. But in this case, the progress achieved by women is not a result of a government policy. On the contrary, it was the women themselves who took control of the abandoned factories and other businesses and got them back on their feet.
GrissinĂ³poli is a member of the National Movement of Factories Recovered by Workers, a collective of roughly 80 companies formed in the late 1990s to group together bankrupted businesses that had been abandoned by their owners, but not by their employees. These factories are now boss free and co-operative.
Everyone who sells their body for labor for a living are members of the working class. This includes most segments of society, workers who are self-employed as well as wage earners in the employment field. We are different in multitudes of ways but one thing we have in solidarity is that we are all members of the working class, we all depend on our work and that of our families. The real enemies of the working class are the capitalists - a small society that gets their income mainly from stocks, bonds, inheritances, and real estate. They control the political parties and the government with their wealth. These people make their money from birth right, not from work. The more profit they make, the more damage they do. The working class also does not include small employers and managers (petty despots) who control workers. Workers are 90% of the population. Although not all elements of Capitalism are bad, Capitalism should be the exception, no the norm.
Workers Democarcy
Workplace democracy is the application of democracy in all its forms (including voting systems, debates, democratic structuring, due process, adversarial process, systems of appeal, and so on) to the workplace.It usually involves or requires more use of lateral methods like arbitration when workplace disputes arise.Workplace democracy theory closely follows political democracy, especially where businesses are large or politics is small:movement, farm and retail co-operative movements, Democratic Employee Stock Option Plans all made contributions to the theory and practice of workplace democracy and often carried that into the political arena as a "more participatory democracy." The Socialist International Social Democrat, Socialist and Labor Parties should adopted this as one of their Main focuses. Workplace democracy norms such as co-leadership, deliberative democracy applied to any major decision, and leaders who don't do policy. The Democratic Socialist Parties have always supported the notion of work place democracy and democratically controlled institutions.In Sweden, the Social Democratic Party made laws and reforms 1950-70 to achieve more democratic workplaces. The unions right to balance the management and have some influential power was rather radical at that time, but still within the capitalistic society. ( which should be burned out)Politically, Salvador Allende inspired a large number of such experiments in Chile before his death on September 11, 1973. The book Brain of the Firm by Stafford Beer details experiments in workplace feedback that exploited systems theory extensively.Venezuela has instituted worker-run "co-management" initiatives in which workers' councils are the cornerstone of the management of a plant or factory. In experimental co-managed enterprises, such as the state-owned Alcasa factory, workers develop budgets and elect both managers and departmental delegates who work together with strategists on technical issues related to production.
Individual career development
Employee development, job enrichment, job rotation and entrance training can be arranged by the work team itself to suit its own schedule. Job sharing is also possible and desirable if a worker wants time off and another is in a position to do overtime, without the concern that this will set a precedent for management abuses or job losses.Training should not be for insiders or the well connected but should benefit the community.Succession planning is everyone's problem: senior management will be replaced by whoever is elected to replace them. There shall be no discrimination or class. All people will have the opportunity to have positions, entry positions, education, and leadership training. with out coming from and important family or special connections.
Organizational structure and management
Office politics in such an environment can be difficult: people might devote a lot of time to keeping their colleagues satisfied and supporting them socially and politically, and there is less surety of success. Success is much better through a co-operative system. Performance appraisals in particular are very sensitive, as it's conducted by peers. Meetings and meeting systems must generally be very efficient, and require strong models of chairmanship and sophisticated models of how to handle consent and dissent. Open-space meetings and other methods to define their agendas have been used by some organizations, notably political party and management consultant organizations. One example is the Living Agenda pioneered by Canadian political parties.There must be assurances that fellow workers will not abuse and protection instilled by quality control and Union Committees.Organizational culture should however be generally more accepting of organizational learning and peer review of performance.Performance improvement, self-assessment and coping with one's own Ability to adapt and mature. However, this is not to say those skills always apply in management: Peter principle applies if anything faster: people who are perceived as effective are elected to run things, which they promptly fail at. However, there is much more acceptance of returning to the shop as a worker if someone fails at management, which is much more difficult in organizations where there is a culture gap between managers and workers. This can be improved by education for competence and ability in a education system that doesn’t fail to provide the education needed.Also grievance and resolution can be applied. The better planned organization, the better the chances of success. There should be an avoidance of nepotism and the buddy system.
It may be easier in environments where consensus or consensus-seeking decision-making is already practiced for the most important decisions: who leads. Consensus democracy methods already exist to make very large scale decisions in social organizations.
As well as factories producing everything from textiles, ceramics, glass and rubber to food and refrigerators, the network also includes transportation companies, educational facilities and even hospitals. Most of them are headed up by men, but in some cases, the horizontal organizational structure has helped women move into leading roles.
One of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) adopted by the world's governments in 2000 is to promote gender equality and empower women. But in this case, the progress achieved by women is not a result of a government policy. On the contrary, it was the women themselves who took control of the abandoned factories and other businesses and got them back on their feet.
GrissinĂ³poli is a member of the National Movement of Factories Recovered by Workers, a collective of roughly 80 companies formed in the late 1990s to group together bankrupted businesses that had been abandoned by their owners, but not by their employees. These factories are now boss free and co-operative.
Everyone who sells their body for labor for a living are members of the working class. This includes most segments of society, workers who are self-employed as well as wage earners in the employment field. We are different in multitudes of ways but one thing we have in solidarity is that we are all members of the working class, we all depend on our work and that of our families. The real enemies of the working class are the capitalists - a small society that gets their income mainly from stocks, bonds, inheritances, and real estate. They control the political parties and the government with their wealth. These people make their money from birth right, not from work. The more profit they make, the more damage they do. The working class also does not include small employers and managers (petty despots) who control workers. Workers are 90% of the population. Although not all elements of Capitalism are bad, Capitalism should be the exception, no the norm.
Individual career development
Employee development, job enrichment, job rotation and entrance training can be arranged by the work team itself to suit its own schedule. Job sharing is also possible and desirable if a worker wants time off and another is in a position to do overtime, without the concern that this will set a precedent for management abuses or job losses.Training should not be for insiders or the well connected but should benefit the community.Succession planning is everyone's problem: senior management will be replaced by whoever is elected to replace them. There shall be no discrimination or class. All people will have the opportunity to have positions, entry positions, education, and leadership training. with out coming from and important family or special connections.
Organizational structure and management
Office politics in such an environment can be difficult: people might devote a lot of time to keeping their colleagues satisfied and supporting them socially and politically, and there is less surety of success. Success is much better through a co-operative system. Performance appraisals in particular are very sensitive, as it's conducted by peers. Meetings and meeting systems must generally be very efficient, and require strong models of chairmanship and sophisticated models of how to handle consent and dissent. Open-space meetings and other methods to define their agendas have been used by some organizations, notably political party and management consultant organizations. One example is the Living Agenda pioneered by Canadian political parties.There must be assurances that fellow workers will not abuse and protection instilled by quality control and Union Committees.Organizational culture should however be generally more accepting of organizational learning and peer review of performance.Performance improvement, self-assessment and coping with one's own Ability to adapt and mature. However, this is not to say those skills always apply in management: Peter principle applies if anything faster: people who are perceived as effective are elected to run things, which they promptly fail at. However, there is much more acceptance of returning to the shop as a worker if someone fails at management, which is much more difficult in organizations where there is a culture gap between managers and workers. This can be improved by education for competence and ability in a education system that doesn’t fail to provide the education needed.Also grievance and resolution can be applied. The better planned organization, the better the chances of success. There should be an avoidance of nepotism and the buddy system.
It may be easier in environments where consensus or consensus-seeking decision-making is already practiced for the most important decisions: who leads. Consensus democracy methods already exist to make very large scale decisions in social organizations.
As well as factories producing everything from textiles, ceramics, glass and rubber to food and refrigerators, the network also includes transportation companies, educational facilities and even hospitals. Most of them are headed up by men, but in some cases, the horizontal organizational structure has helped women move into leading roles.
One of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) adopted by the world's governments in 2000 is to promote gender equality and empower women. But in this case, the progress achieved by women is not a result of a government policy. On the contrary, it was the women themselves who took control of the abandoned factories and other businesses and got them back on their feet.
GrissinĂ³poli is a member of the National Movement of Factories Recovered by Workers, a collective of roughly 80 companies formed in the late 1990s to group together bankrupted businesses that had been abandoned by their owners, but not by their employees. These factories are now boss free and co-operative.
Everyone who sells their body for labor for a living are members of the working class. This includes most segments of society, workers who are self-employed as well as wage earners in the employment field. We are different in multitudes of ways but one thing we have in solidarity is that we are all members of the working class, we all depend on our work and that of our families. The real enemies of the working class are the capitalists - a small society that gets their income mainly from stocks, bonds, inheritances, and real estate. They control the political parties and the government with their wealth. These people make their money from birth right, not from work. The more profit they make, the more damage they do. The working class also does not include small employers and managers (petty despots) who control workers. Workers are 90% of the population. Although not all elements of Capitalism are bad, Capitalism should be the exception, no the norm.
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